Saturday, September 30, 2006


In order to do God's will we must first know his will. In order to have real satisfaction, rest, and contentment in the Christian life and there is no true rest outside the Christian life—we must have the full assurance that we are doing the will of God. The soul that loves God can not be satisfied with anything less than this. As long as there is a doubt, there can not be perfect contentment. We must have a perfect knowledge of God's will concerning us, or else we shall not fully know we are doing his will.

Many are saying, "I would gladly do God's will if I only knew what is his will." Such ones have not reached that nearness to God that they should. There should always be a clear and definite understanding between God and his children. "My sheep," Jesus says, "hear my voice"; and we know that God hears the voice of his children. We can talk to God and God to us; consequently, there can be understanding between us. You can live close enough to God to know his will—not merely to suppose his will or take it for granted, but to know it because he told you. A man's employees may suppose they are doing what he wants them to do, but this does not give them full assurance. It is only when they have been in his presence and heard him express his will that they know they are doing it. You can know God's will. You need not spend one day without knowing you are in his order.

The Scripture says, "Wherefore be ye not unwise, but understanding what the will of the Lord is." Eph. 5:17. In the verses preceding this one, we are told to walk circumspectly and to redeem the time. We need to know God's will that we may use every opportunity to the greatest advantage. To pass along day after day without a definite knowledge of being in the will of God or without taking much thought about it or earnestly seeking to know it, is living on entirely too low a spiritual plane. God wants you to come up higher—high enough and close enough to know his will. Has not God purchased you? You are his servant, his bond slave. You are to do everything you do for him. He who has men in his employ expects them to do his will. They do not go out a single day ignorant of his will. They do not always wait to be told what to do, but they make inquiry. With many there may not be enough earnest seeking after God to know his will.

In order to know God's will there must be a perfect consecration to God. The soul must lay down her own will and present herself before God as much as to say, "I give up my way and will forever to be shine and shine alone; to love thee and serve thee; to do thy whole will now and forever." There must be humility before God; a deep inner consciousness of your nothingness and your inability to accomplish anything in life of yourself. "The meek he will guide in judgment." We must be meek and humble before the Lord and confess that we are dependent on him and that life will be an utter failure unless he wills and guides and plans and works in us and with us and for us.

There must be great love to God and an earnest desire to know his will. Without strong desire to know God's will you can never learn it. It is those who desire that obtain answers to their prayers; and that desire must be really great. You must seek to know. Where there is great desire, there will be earnest seeking but there will not be earnest seeking without fervent desire. The desire must be so intense that you feel as if you must know. You must feel that you can not get along in life without knowing God's will. You can not be of any service to him without having knowledge of his will. You must also have faith. When you ask God to teach you his will, you must believe he will do it, and he will do it. When he begins to unfold his will, you must move in his order without doubting or questioning. He will guide you and direct your every step, and you can know that you are doing the very thing God wants you to do. Bless his name! Such a life is heaven here.

(Taken from the Church of God Reformation)

Thursday, September 28, 2006


I will be talking especially with every child of God in this gathering who came to fellowship with us in our yearly observance of the festival of the CHURCH OF GOD in the PHILIPPINES. My beloved parents, brothers, and sisters and friends. I have a good piece of oration which I would like to share to you this very moment which is entitled “O Man of God”. This is a challenge to every man or woman of God in this audience. I hope it will also be of help to someone who have not yet accepted Jesus Christ as his or her Savior.

O man of God, you who are justified, regenerated by the blessed Holy Spirit, a member of the family of God which is the Church of God, to you I give this precious message: O man of God, you are a pilgrim on this earth: this world is not your home! You are a citizen of heaven. Sooner or later your pilgrimage will be over and then be home at last. So take heed to what I will say. If not, I am afraid your right of heaven might be forfeited.

You are a child of the King: Every Sinner is a Child of the devil. But you are born of God. You do not commit sin because God’s word is alive in your heart. There is a great possibility for a true Christian not to commit sin through the help of God. Because a free human agent and not a robot there is also the possibility for him to sin. This is the reason I stand before you to warn you and advice through the authority of the Word of God.

The greatest enemy of our souls is the devil. He is the god of this world. He uses the things of this world to get people to his side and rebel against the God of the universe. Once he gets people to be covetous and places in their hearts the love of money, he has won the battle; for the love of money is the root of all evil. Man of God, I am here warning you: those who want to get rich will fall into diverse temptations and snares and into many hurtful lusts which drawn men into destruction and perdition. Covetousness will eventually cause one to err from the faith and finally apostatized.

Man of God, fight the good fight of faith. Be sure you are always on the winning side. Be sure you have the witness of the Holy Spirit with your Spirit that you are a child of God. Testify for your salvation and your faith on the atoning blood of Christ. The devil is overcome by the blood of the lamb and by the word of your testimony; and love not your lives into death.

Man of God, show forth the evidence of your salvation not only by your words but also by good works. Follow after righteousness, godliness, faith, love, patience, meekness. The world scarcely convinced to believe the gospel because the lives of the professing Christians do not satisfactorily show forth pure religion which is undefiled before God.

Man of god, you are not under the law of the Jews but under the gospel of Christ Jesus. What He had taught the disciples is a law unto us. He had commissioned to preach the gospel unto all nations, teaching them to observe all things whatsoever He commanded them. Therefore, you have to keep Christ’s commandments without spot, unrebukable until the appearing of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Man of God, the life of godliness with contentment is the greatest gain on earth. We brought nothing into this world and we can carry nothing out. A holy life is the only what that will bring a man to glory: What Shall it profits a man if he gained the whole world and loss his soul? Nothing: The soul is the most precious property of a man. Nothing can be given in exchange for it. It will either be lost forever and ever in be given in exchange for it. It will either be lost forever and ever in hell or be crowned in heaven. If he chooses the devil to serve by living in sin, then, he chose hell to be punished eternally.

No one is created to go to hell. God wants everybody to go to heaven; there are two ways before you. One is going straight to heaven. The other way is going down to hell. Man of God, you have chosen the straight and narrow way. It is called the way of Holiness; hate unclean shall not err therein, but the redeemed shall walk therein: and the ransomed of the Lord shall be for those: the way faring men, though fools shall not err therein; but the redeemed shall walk therein: and the ransomed of the Lord shall return and come to Zion (the Church of God), with songs and everlasting joy upon their heads: they shall obtain joy and gladness, and sorrow and sighing shall flee away.

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

26TH WEDDING ANNIVERSARY of Bro. Jet and Sis. Wilma Batalla

Binabati namin si Bro. Jet at Sis. Wilma sa kanilang 26th wedding anniversary sa araw na ito, Sept. 27. Sila ay biniyayaan ng apat (4) na anak na sina Jesus Josef(25), Emily Joanna(21), Jeremy John(17) at si Jethro James(13). Biniyayan din sila ng isang apo na si Josef Stephen(10 months old, visit his web blog at anak ni Josef at Stefie Ibuan. Idalangin natin na lalo silang pagpalain sa material lalo na sa espiritual.
(Kung mayroon kayong gustong batiin sa kanilang kaarawan at wedding anniversary mag e-mail lang po sa inyong lingkod. Ang e-mail address ay,

Monday, September 18, 2006

POLITY OF THE CHURCH OF GOD - Daniel Sydney Warner

Polity of the Church of God (1876)
Daniel S. Warner

The term ekklesia, from which we have church, is a generic term, and applies to any assembly, good or bad, temporal or permanent. In Acts 19 it is used with reference to two different assemblies, and neither religious. In verse 39 it refers to a lawful tribunal; in verse 32 and 41 it applied to a confused concourse.

We read of an ekklesia, or church, in the New Testament, which is qualified as being "of God;" hence among the various societies in the world there is one of which God is the author. Polity means form of government. Now, as law, order or government is essential to the existence of any organism, we ask what government has God enacted for his church? That the New Testament was given for that purpose and is all sufficient is only denied by ignorance or bigotry.

What, then, is the polity of the New Testament?

The Church of God was designed to fill all nations; but, unlike the Jewish worship, she is not required to convene in one place to offer her sacrifice of praise and obey the commands of her head and Savior. But that she could everywhere enjoy all the benefits and perform all the duties of the church organic, a full corps of officers was authorized in every city, town and community that formed a central point for worship. All in reach of any such point, who were recognized as disciples, constituted the Church of God in that locality. Nothing is said of the induction or admittance into those local churches. God admits into the body (Acts ii. 4) through the door of Christ (John x. 9; Eph. ii. 18), by the spirit (Rom. viii. 15; 1 Cor. xii. 13) on condition of faith (Rom. v. 1-2). By their fruits they were recognized as disciples, and consequently integral parts of the Church of God in that locality.

I shall first attend to the polity of those local churches. We find it was administered by elders or bishops and deacons. Of the latter I shall say nothing; of the former I notice that they are identical (Titus i. 5-7; Acts xx. 17; compare with ver. 28, where "overseers" is from episkopous, elsewhere translated bishops). Elder refers to the rank, bishop the duties. Paul says (1 Tim. v. 17), "Let the elders that rule well be counted worthy of double honor, especially they who labor in the word and doctrine." From this we learn that some elders labor in word and doctrine, others not. The former, I understand, are called of God to preach the word. From this and other Scriptures we also learn that elders have ruling authority; hence the New Testament polity is not congregational. And if I am to understand the term "Presbyterian" as submitting the entire and absolute control into the hands of the elders, I am unwilling to adopt it as expressive of the New Testament polity. That elders are vested with ruling authority is clear; but Peter says (1 Pet. v. 3), they should not be "as lords over God's heritage (margin 'overruling'), but being ensamples to the flock." If Paul exhorts (Heb. xiii. 17) to "obey them that have the rule over you." Peter also says (1 Pet. v. 5), "Yea, all of you be subject one to another and be clothed with humility."

Thus we see there is but little red-tape authority in the church. Elders are to rule by their holy example and love, watch over and feed the flock, preside over business meetings, appoint meetings of worship, lead the same, or invite some one to do so. "If a man be overtake in a fault," not only are the elders under obligations to look after him, but all "Ye which are spiritual restore such a one in the spirit of meekness." (Gal. vi. 1). This makes every brother the keeper of every other brother. Love and sympathy make this the duty of all. Besides, it is the duty of elders ex-officio.

In Matt. 18, the last step in trying to restore an offending brother is to "tell it to the church." He needs the sympathies and prayers, as well as the "meek admonitions of all that are spiritual" (Matt. xviii. 17-20; Heb. xii. 13; James v. 16). What human heart could withstand such an array of kindness, sympathy and love? Few, indeed, would not melt down and humbly confess their faults. But if he will not relent, "let him be unto thee as a heathen man and a publican." That is, he having put himself out of the church by becoming a sinner, and having been unsuccessful in restoring him, withdraw your fellowship from him. Thus we see officers and members counsel and work together in harmony to maintain the peace and advance the cause of Zion. Hence the New Testament polity, according to my mind, is not exactly Presbyterian, but simply Scriptorial; a government based on the "perfect law of liberty and all fulfilled in love."

I now pass to its general government of the church. I say "the church," because those co-ordinate churches constitute the one Church of God operating in different localities. They have some individual concerns, but in most respects they merge into one common brotherhood. They are called out of the world to serve the same Master. Their cause is one. They all have the same faith and are required to walk by the same rule: each one must subserve the general good. Now, how can these churches be kept uniform in faith and practice? How can each church and individual act so as to promote the general good, without the superintendence of some power over all? For these purpose popes, archbishops, general presiding bishops and presiding elders have been installed. But the New Testament has prescribed a different plan. Let us see how difference was adjusted and uniformity and harmony maintained.

In its complete moral conquest of the world, Christianity had to encounter three great antagonists--Judaism, Paganism and Orientalism. With Judaism it had to maintain a double conflict. Stephen and others had fallen in conflict with it as an external foe. But as an internal foe it was far more dangerous. It forbade Christ from demanding homage of, and proclaiming salvation to, the whole human race, as the author of the one true and universal religion. Forty years had passed and the light of the gospel was yet confined to the lost sheep of the house of Israel. The Apostles, it appears, had forgotten the extent of their commission, and Christianity was viewed as the completion of Judaism. But finally Samaria receives the word which was an innovation upon Jewish prejudice. And now Peter actually goes into the house of men uncircumcised, eats with the and preaches to them the gospel. What an insult to the Christian Jews. Peter must appear before the Eldership in Jerusalem and answer to charges. This he did, and after rehearsing the whole matter, an action was taken justifying Peter and glorifying God, forgiving salvation to the Gentiles. We have no record of any other business transacted at this first Eldership of the Church of God of Jerusalem, A. D. 41 (Acts 10 and 11).

Though Peter had taken the first step in the comprehensive view of Christianity, Paul was destined to become the great champion of this principle of universal liberty in Christ. Through his arduous labors Christianity soon spread to a wide extent in the Gentile world. This awakened much jealousy among the Jewish Christians. They saw that Christianity, instead of being the purest form of Judaism, was rapidly becoming an indiscriminating religion in which the Jewish element would soon be absorbed and lost. Paul was at once recognized as the author of this great revolution which threatened the extinction of all they had been taught to hold sacred. At Antioch the jealousy of the Jews seems to have kindled into a flame of indignation. Peter gave way to the strong tide of prejudice; and when Barnabas, Paul's colleague, "was carried away with their dissimulation" (Gal. ii. 11-14). This was a trying time for Paul. The Judahizing party was, doubtless, much emboldened by "certain men which came down from Judea" and taught that circumcision was necessary to salvation (Acts xv. 1). The great battle now came to a crisis, and after much disputation it was found necessary to appeal to the Apostles and elders at Jerusalem for a decision of the question. Paul, Barnabas and certain others were sent to lay the matter before the body. Seventeen years had elapsed since Paul had left Jerusalem with all the zeal of a Pharisee to destroy the Christians at Damascus. Since then he had twice, as a Christian, entered the holy city; but both visits were short and attended with danger (Gal. i. 18; Acts xi. 29-30). Now once more he comes to defend his principles and practices against an increasing torrent of opposition, which had interrupted his distant missionary labors, but the fountain head of which was among the Pharisees at Jerusalem. "The great question of liberty or bondage for all future ages was to be decided." A question that threatened the subversion of the whole plan of redemption. So eager were the Judahizing part for the conflict that immediately following the reception of Paul and Barnabas by the church at Jerusalem, some of the Pharisee Christians "rose up" and insisted that it was needful to circumcise the converts and command them to keep the Law of Moses. This was a direct attack upon the whole course of Paul's procedure among the Gentiles. "The Apostles and Elders, therefore, came together to consider of this matter" (Acts xv. 6). This was the second Eldership of the Church of God. There was some pretty warm discussing, I judge (ver. 7).

Peter is the first who is honored with a synopsis of his speech in the inspired journal. He takes a decided stand against Judaism; reminds them those converts in Syria and Cilicia under Paul and Barnabas were not the first Gentiles admitted into the kingdom, but that a good while ago he had been chosen to begin this work at the home of Cornelius, where God had given unmistakable evidence that he was no "respecter of persons." He pronounces the law an intolerable yoke, etc. He was followed by Barnabas and Paul. There was great silence in all the multitude while these zealous missionaries appealed to the miracles God had wrought by them as evidence that the gospel extended to all nations and every creature. Thus they proved the legality of their course by the same evidence that established the divine mission of Christ. But the voice of James the First, "and one of the pillars," who, with "austere features, the linen ephod and bare feet, the long locks and unshorn head of a Nazarite, resembling the ancient saints," would have much weight with the Judahizing party. And such, according to tradition, was the man who now came forward and deposed that the Jewish law was not of universal and perpetual obligation. After referring to the arguments of Peter, he adduced a passage from Amos as positive proof that under the light of the gospel the "residue of men," even the "Gentiles," should seek after and find God.

These four speeches having clearly established the fact that Judaism was to be superseded by Christianity, they were now ready for the question. James concludes with the following motion: "That we trouble not them from among the Gentiles have turned to God," etc. (Acts xv. 19-20.) This was [2] unanimously adopted and reduced to writing (verses 22, 23). And as THE CHURCH ADVOCATE was not yet published, a committee, consisting of Judas and Silas, was deputed to carry these decrees to Antioch; which, when they had delivered to the church, caused much consolation, and, doubtless, put an end to the whole controversy there.

Soon after this Paul and Silas set out together to visit all the churches and "see how they do." And as they went through the cities they delivered them the decrees for to keep. that they were ordained of the "Apostles and elders at Jerusalem." So were the churches established in the faith, i.e.--to one uniform faith (Acts xvi. 4-5).

The second item of business I shall notice was this: At this meeting it was agreed that Paul and Barnabas should labor among the Gentiles, and James, Peter and John among the Jews (Gal. 2. 9). This precedent teaches that ministers should be assigned to the various fields by the assembled Eldership, and not by a presiding elder, neither as the churches independently may "hire" them.

Item second: The reports of Paul and Barnabas to that body furnish an example for ministers' reports as part of the business of an Eldership.

Item third: We are told at this meeting there was provision made to relieve any part of the church that was in want (Gal. 2. 10).

Observation fourth: We notice that they depended upon the spirit to dictate all their business (Acts 15. 28). Were this now carried out there would be much less business transacted for the gratification of prejudice and jealousy.

Fifth: We learn from James' speech the true business of an Eldership is not to legislate, but to appeal to the word of God as the standard by which to settle all controversy.

Sixth: It appears (Acts 15. 22) that the whole church convened with the Apostles and elders, and enjoyed the privilege of expressing themselves. Hence it is proper to extend to all the brethren the courtesy of an advisory seat.

Seventh: The business, however, seems to have been transacted by the Apostles and elders (Acts 15. 6; 16. 4). But the Apostles have ceased, hence it devolves upon the Eldership. Hence the propriety of the name Eldership meeting for those convocations. Thus we find a precedent for the name and nearly all the business of our present Elderships in those first two held with the Church of God in Jerusalem. There are no directions as to how frequently the Eldership should convene; hence, it is left to circumstances and the judgment of the body; as is also the propriety of dividing into districts Elderships for convenience, and then holding a less frequent general Eldership meeting to consult upon general interests and maintain universal harmony.

Seward, Neb., Dec. 15, 1874.

Thursday, September 14, 2006


Isa sa mga dakilang doktrina at katotohanan sa Biblia ay ang doktrina ng "Pantubos". Minsan lamang matatagpuan ang salitang "Pantubos" sa bagong tipan. Ito ay nasa aklat ng mga taga Roma 5:11. Ano ang kahulugan ng salitang "Pantubos"? Ito ay ang pampalubag loob na inihandog sa banal na katarungan sa pamamagitan ng kamatayan ni Cristo para sa mga kasalanan ng sanglibutan. Sa bisa nito, lahat ng mga tunay na nagsisi at sumampalataya kay Cristo ay personal na pinagkaisa sa Dios, pinalaya sa kabayaran ng kaniyang sala, at naging tagpagmana ng buhay na walang hanggan".

Ang buhay, dugo, pagdurusa at kamatayan ni Cristo na inihandog ay upang tugunin ang banal na katarungan ng Dios na hindi maaaring gawin ng tao sapagkat pagbabayaran niya ito sa walang hanggang kaparusahan sa impierno. Ito ang pantubos ni Cristo na ginawa. Dahil sa kasalanan na ginawa ng tao, naipagbili niya ang kaniyang sarili sa kasalanan. Dahil dito, Siya'y naging alipin ng kasalanan (Juan 8:34).

Tuesday, September 12, 2006


Wednesday, September 06, 2006


Purihin ang Dios, sapagakat isa ako sa mga nakasama sa pag-aaral ng doktrina ng Iglesia ng Dios na naganap sa unang pagkakataon sa La Trinidad, Benguet. Punong-puno ng pagpapala ang pag-aaral na ito sapagkat maliban sa malapit na kalooban ng bawat nagsisipag-aral at sa mga liwanag na nahayag ay kumilos din ang Espiritu Santo sa mga mensahe na aming narinig. Nagagalak ako na iulat ng detalyado ang dalawang linggong seminar na dinaluhan ng mahigit na tatlumpong (30) mga kapatid mula sa iba’t-ibang kongregasyon ng Central Luzon, Metro Manila, Rizal at Samar.
  • April 16, 2006 (Sunday) – Umalis kami mula sa Paniqui, Tarlac hapon ng Linggo at nakarating kami sa La Trinidad ng 9:00 P.M. Salamat sa Dios sa mapayapang paglalakbay . Dito nakasama namin sina Bro. Frank Palencia, pastor ng Signal Village, Taguig MM, Kasama nya si Bro. Christian Layante, Sis Jenny Facunla ng Binangonan, Rizal, at si Bro. Philip ng Ramos, Tarlac.

  • April 17, 2006 (Monday) – Ito ang unang araw ng seminar. Pinasimulan ito sa pamamagitan ng panalangin. Naghandog ng tanging awit si Bro. Frank. Nagkaroon din ng orientation. Sa araw na ito dumating din ang mga kapatid na mula sa Dagupan City congregation na sina Bro. Cesar Claudio at Bartolome De Guzman at gayon din sina Sis. Rebecca Faustino, Sis Amanda Valdivia ng Quezon City at Sis. Grace Potot ng Samar Province. Ang mga taga pagturo ay sina Bro. Jet Batalla Jr na nagturo ng Homilitics at Theology, Si Bro. Antonio Domrique ang nagturo ng Government of the Church at History of the Church, at si Bro. Manuelito Yangco naman sa Perferct Love at Personal Evangelism. Tatlo ang subject sa umaga at tatlo sa hapon. Kinagabihan, nagbigay ng mensahe si Bro. Jet Batalla sa Radio Broadcast ng The Way of Truth. Si Bro. Cesar Claudio naman ang nagbigay ng patotoo.

  • April 18, 2006 (Tuesday) - Dumating si Sis. Tess Vega ng Pasig City. May morning devotion awar-araw na ginaganap ng 5:00 AM. Pormal na nagumpisa ang pag-aaral. At sa gabi ay ang radio broadcast sa Baguio City at at Si Bro. Antonio Domrique ang nagbigay ng mensahe tungkol sa Iglesia. Nagbigay naman ng patotoo si Bro. Christian Layante.

  • April 19, 2006 (Wednesday) – Nagpatuloy ang seminar. Dumating si Sis. Ana Luisa ng Nipaco, Paniqui, Tarlac. Kinagabihan si Bro. Manny Yangco ang ngabigay ng mensahe sa The Way of Truth Broadcast sa radio at ako ang nagbigay ng patotoo. Si Sis. Emilou Callao ang nag anchorwoman.

  • April 20, 2006 (Thursday) – Nagkaroon ng morning devotion. Si Sis. Jenny Facunla ang nanguna sa devotional singing. Ako ang nagbigay ng exhortation at ang aking teksto ay mula sa Heb. 2:1-3. Ang radio broadcast ay pinangunahan ni Bro. Frank Palencia.
  • April 21, 2006 (Friday) – Nagpatuloy ang pag-aaral. Salamat sa Dios sa kanyang pangunguna sa mga tagapagturo upang maging maliwanag ang kanilang itinuturo sa amin. Nagkaroon din ng pag-aaral sa sign language na pinangunahan ni Sis. Lovelyn ng La Trinindad. Sa radio broadcast si Sis. Dada Valdivia ang nangaral sa Practical Christian Living. Si Sis. Grace Potot ang nagbigay ng patotoo at si Sis. Rebecca Faustino ang nag anchorwoman.
  • April 22, 2006 (Saturday) – Bumisita ang mga mag-aaral sa mga bilanggo ng District Jail ng La Trinidad, Benguet. Sa hapon naman ang aming grupo ay bumisita din sa mga bilanggo sa Provincial Jail. Si Bro. Jet Batalla ang nangaral tungkol sa kaligtasan. May tatlong kilometro din ang layo ng panambahan sa Provincial Jail.

  • April 24, 2006 (Monday) – Dumating sina Sis. Amanda Santiago, pastor ng Sta Maria, Bulacan kasama nya si Sis. Jennifer Eugenio. Nagpatuloy ang pag-aaral sa Salita ng Panginoon. Sa pagsasahimpapawid ng The Way of Truth sa radio ay nangaral si Sis. Meldy Santiago sa paksang “Worldliness”. Naging anchorwoman si Sis. Jennifer Eugenio at si Sis. Anne Garcia ang nagpatotoo.

  • April 25, 2006 (Tuesday) – Nagkaroon ng practicum sa pangangaral ang mga seminarnian sa morning devotion, umaga at hapon. Sa radio broadcast naman si Sis. Rose Marzan ang nangaral sa mensaheng “The Bride of Christ”.

  • April 26, 2006 (Wednesday) – Muli naming inumpisahan ang pag-aaral sa pamamagitan ng morning devotion. Tunay na napakasarap dumalanginat makipagusap sa Dios. Isang dakilang karapatan para sa mga Kristiano. Nagpatuloy ang pag-aaral sa anim na subject at salamat sa Dios sa mga liwanag na kaniyang ipinagkaloob. Nagkaroon ng pagkakataon ang mga seminarians na umakyat sa isang bundok na malapit sa panambahan at mula sa itaas ng bundok na aming inakyat ay ang marami pang mga bundok na matataas at maliliit. Ito ay nagpapakita ng makapangyariang kamay ng Dios sa kanyang pag-lalang. Nagpatuloy ang talakayan sa pag-aaral sa mga doktrina ng Iglesia ng Dios at sa hapon ay lumabas ang mga seminarians para mag personal work ito ay requirement sa amin sa subject na Personal Evangelism. Sa gabi ay nangaral si Bro. Frank Palencia sa radio. Naging anchorwoman si Sis. Jenny Facunla.

  • April 27, 2006 (Thursday) – Si Bro. Philip Obena ang nagbigay ng mensahe para sa aming morning devotion. Ito ang huling araw ng aming seminar. Salamat sa Dios sa mga pagpapalang espiritual na aming tinanggap sa seminar na ito. Nangaral si Sis. Jennefer Eugenio sa radio. Sa loob ng dalawang linggo ng seminar ay walang nasayang na sandali sapagkat gunugol ito para sa Panginoon mula umaga hanggang gabi.
  • April 28, 2006 (Friday) – Ito ang pinakamasaya subalit malungkot na araw sa aming pag-aaral. Ang araw ng aming pagtatapos. Masaya, sapagkat kami ay magtatapos na at maraming natutuhan na aral patungkol sa Iglesia ng Dios. Malungkot sapagkat kami ay mag-hihiwalay-hiwalay na. Ganun paman kailangan na kami ay bumalik at umuwi sa aming mga kongregasyon kinabibilangan upang gumawa para sa Panginoon at tumulong sa Gawain. Sa aming pagtatapos ay nagbigay ng mensahe si Sis. Judith Batalla at hinamon ang mga mag-aaral upang maglingkod sa Panginoon.

(Si Sis. Sylvia ay Sunday School Teacher ng Iglesia ng Dios sa Dimawit, Dipaculao, Aurora)

Tuesday, September 05, 2006


Making the Apostolic Church as our example this modern age, we could surely prosper as it did in the first century. Let us consider the following facts that the Apostolic Church had accomplished and the attitude they had to carry on with the guidance of the Holy Spirit.

Missionary work was steadfastly, pressured in obedience to Christ command, Mk.16:16.

  • The accomplishing of this great work required the sacrifices of men and women "who loved not their lives unto death". Who went forth to struggle against the powers infernal and win the triumphs of the cross.
  • The Churches of God poured out their money in order to meet the demand of the hour, even going so far in some cases, as at Jerusalem, to sell their properties and donate it to the interest of the cause of God.

The same thing is needed today.

  • The work of God needs man and woman who are consecrated to evangelize the world even at the cost of personal comports and advantages.
  • The Church of God must be awakened to the fact that giving means for the support of God's work is both their privilege and duty. It must be our crusade to work for the final restoration of the Church of God as that of the Apostolic time. The vision will surely come to it's fulfillment. He will find His Church not having spot, without any wrinkles and without blemish.

Sunday, September 03, 2006

PRAYER REQUEST of Adrian Bagayan (Former student of Bro. Jet)

Sir, Kumusta dito ako sa SANYO nagtratrabaho. Sir prayer request ko po na ingatan ng Diyos ang aking nanay sa Italy, at patuloy nyo po akong idalangin na lumago sa pananampalataya,at magamit ng Panginoon sa ikalalago ng kanyang iglesia. Sir gandang gabi & God bless.