Tuesday, July 24, 2007

6th MINDANAO CHURCH OF GOD CONVENTION, Kalilangan, Bukidnon (May 25-27, 2007) By Sis. Bebbie A. Pollan


We always praise and thank God for His continuous goodness and blessings as we press forward in His grace. This year’s convention theme was CONTENDING FOR THE FAITH and truly it was a victory! The effort of all the brethren here in Mindanao which was led by Bro. Bernard C. Neri and Bro. Ed Coraraton was not in vain. Giving us always the challenge to be vigilant in our daily conversations as Christians, as respective congregation and outreaches from the different parts of Mindanao are being perturbed by the works of the devil, which prevails as of this moment, trying to disunite God’s people, but praise the Lord, He doesn’t want us to be conquered, for the workings of the Holy Spirit is sufficient, sending us His evangelists to edify His Church. For the first time we have Bro. Arnold Chichioco and Bro. Arnold Ordonio from Paniqui, Tarlac; of course! From Baguio City Bro. Jet Batalla; and Bro. Greg Escullar from Negros Occidental. Their presence was a great challenge. As usual, the cooperation of our brethren from Davao del Sur and its outreaches, viz: Bro. Edgardo Coraraton, and Bro. Alger Coraraton were present. And with us from Bukidnon were the outreaches from San Jose , Malaybalay City and Maramag. We have learned lots on the History of the Church and the Government of the Church. Another spiritual blessing that gave us the wisdom to stand for the truth.

Friday, May 25, 2007, 6:00 A.M.– Conductor was Sis. Lydia Ontong. The speaker was Bro. Alger Coraraton; Text: Romans 14:22, entitling it KEEPING THE FAITH, the speaker put emphasis on the word KEEP, appealing everyone of us to always KEEP our duty towards God, the Words of God, the promise of God, the great Love of God and the FAITH which is the theme of this year’s convention. Brethren! we are encouraged to press on, we will not fear little flock; for it is our Father’s good pleasure to give us the kingdom.

8:00 A.M. – 12:00 noon. Sis. Rose Villanueva led the congregational singing, and the seminar on the History of the Church of God started, followed by the Government of the Church lectured to us by Bro. Ed Coraraton and Bro. Arnold Chichioco respectively. God really doesn’t neglect His church in ignorance, His grace is sufficient, supplying everything that the church needs. He does not want His Church to be disunited for lack of knowledge. These lessons tuned in to the needs of the church particularly at this moment in time where there are some sorts of disputes in the government of the church.

2:00 P.M. – After the preliminaries, Bro Arnold Ordonio was the speaker, he spoke on the theme “Contending For the Faith”, taking his text from the Book of Jude 3. Contend means to give all your strength for the faith. To contend for the faith is, we must be watchful and vigilant for there are grievous wolves that will enter in the church, we must put on the whole armor of God that we may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. We must remember that we have a wise enemy which is the devil, he has his instruments, the lust of the eyes, lust of the flesh and the pride of life, and even ourselves if we will not deny ourselves, there’s a tendency to backslide. His ways are subtle, thus we must fight the good fight of faith. We’ll stand for the truth, to conquer the devil’s works.

3:30 P.M. – Since we have new brethren added to God’s Church in this congregation, the presence of our brethren from Luzon was availed in its fullest by conducting a seminar on Entire Sanctification which was lectured to us Bro. Arnold Ordonio. This study is very very important, because this is one of the doctrines of the Church of God , this is the second work of grace that the saved (justified) ones must attain, without which no one can see God.

6:00 – 9:30 - After the devotional singing, and the special numbers, the conductor gave the speaker Bro. Jet Batalla, the pulpit, then he based his message from the Book of John 3:16, entitling his message “THE LOVE OF GOD”. The presence of the angels is not enough, thus HE created man to glorify and love Him. He created/prepared everything before man’s creation, for his needs. The phrase “FOR GOD SO LOVE THE WORLD” is in superlative degree. His love is matchless, and that was manifested by giving His only begotten Son, to save man from sin, whoever accepted His Son, loves Him. God does not want man to be in the place of destruction which is hell, that’s why He wanted mankind to accept His Son, by way of repentance to refrain condemnation. There’s an invitation to love God, then 3 souls draw nigh for forgiveness.

Saturday, May 26, 2007, 6:00 A.M.– After the preliminaries, Bro Greg Escullar spoke on “The Sacrifice To Teach The Gospel of God”. Text was 1st Cor. 9:16-27. The Holy Spirit has worked sufficiently, reminding every Minister of God to be cautious in uttering words to avoid loss of respect, he should be meek in every manner. The servant of God is not a boss, he should be an ideal leader, and an example to be followed by the brethren. He must sacrifice to win more souls for Christ. King Saul, abused his power and disobeyed God’s command, so God divested his kingship. Servants of God who will do the same as King Saul will be stripped off eventually by the ministry that God has entrusted to him. Ought to be, ministers should be meek and humble, they should avoid the attitude that “what pastor wants, pastor gets,” how embarrassing to have ministers like this! Ministers should be ideal and must sacrifice to win souls as the primary concern of the church.

8:00 A.M. – 12:00 noon. The seminar on the History of the Church of God , and the Government of the Church lectured to us by Bro. Ed Coraraton and Bro. Arnold Chichioco continued.

2:00 P.M. – After the preliminaries with Sis Mishel Salinday, Bro Arnold Chichioco was the message bearer, his thought was entitled as “The Life Span of Man”, having his text from Psalms 90:9. Before the flood, the life span of man reached to nine hundred sixty nine years. And generation to generation the life span of man is shortened. How much more today, the life span is between 60 to 70 years old. And according to James 4:13 & 14, the life of man is compared to a vapor that emerges a little then vanishes. Since our life is short, we have to work it out in our very best, making our lives worthwhile while we are still breathing the life that God gave to us. The unsaved must repent their sins, the saved ones must go through the second work of grace, by cleansing from all the filthiness of the flesh and spirit. God’s judgment based on how man lives the life that he has. The Holy Spirit works abundantly, there were 9 souls went to the altar.

3:30 P.M. – The seminar continued at this moment, we learned so many things. Praise God! Most of the topic focused on the Government of the Church. God has taught every Christian to discern and how to deal the undesirable and haughty spirit in His Church. God is not late; He is on time to rescue His Church who is beset always by the works of the devil to cause division.

6:00 – 9:30 - Before the message, the usual procedure was observed, the singing of devotional and the hymns, led by Sis. Metzi Paz A. Pollan and Sis. Arma A. Neri respectively, presentation of special song entitled Without Him rendered by a child named Christian Yap from Maramag, Bukidnon. Bro Jet Batalla was the speaker. He spoke on the “Spirit of the Gospel”, text was on 11 Cor. 3:1-11. There are two spirits, which is the spirit of truth and spirit of error. The former is of God and the latter is of the devil. The spirits of revenge, worldliness, haughtiness and preeminence are all carnality. The acceptance of Spirit of the Gospel would be in the Spirit of Holiness and that is thru the cleansing from all the filthiness of the flesh and spirit. As you walk daily the Christian way you ought to have the spirit of modesty, meekness and love. The love to keep God’s will. Do you already have the Spirit of the Gospel? Thanks God! Eight souls went to the altar for Entire Sanctification.

Sunday, May 27, 2007, 8:00 A.M.– All brethren were gathered together to worship God in the beauty of holiness. After the congregational singing, Bro. Art. BaldecaƱas led the prayer. Thereafter, the Sunday School started, with Bro. Arnold Chichioco as the Teacher. The topic was the Evening Light. Everybody was blessed of the topic for God has given us the understanding of the History of the Church. From the Morning Light, Dark Ages, Cloudy Day and Evening Light. An emphasis was obvious that Christians should continue studying, there’s no end in studying and searching in His Words. The worship service started, with Bro. Art BaldecaƱas as the presider.

8:00 A.M. – Bro. Jet Batalla was the speaker, his speaking on the Ten Virgins in Matthew 25:1-12. There are two kinds of Christians, the foolish and the wise. The foolish lacks understanding, no common sense, and has no spiritual wisdom, meaning they’re not baptized with the Holy Spirit. Christians should not allow the Holy Spirit to stay long outside, it should be allowed to enter in the clean vessel heart. All the filthiness of the spirits must be cleansed. Christians who are still in the carnality state are encouraged to search himself if the Holy Spirit is already present in their hearts, to go unto perfection. God does not want us to be like the 5 virgins who did not prepare and fill their lamps with oil, thus when the groom has arrived they were not able to go with Him in the marriage, they were being closed. Whereas the 5 wise virgins had made their lamps filled with oil. Oil here represents the Holy Spirit. It is very difficult to be sanctified all alone by ourselves, we need the help of the Holy Spirit. So let’s be humble, for God will claim His Church without spot and wrinkle. All the Christians sought the help of the Holy Spirit to be filled with it. Everybody kneeled down for consecration, without which no one can see the Lord.

2:00 P.M. – Sis. Chym A. Pollan led the congregational singing. Bro. Arnold Ordonio spoke on “Man’s Most Precious Property” taking his thought from the Book of Mark 8:36-37. Is riches, fame or talent that man must possess as his precious property? No! It is the soul, the living soul, that God has breathed into his nostrils for him to have the breath of life. Christ has died for the souls of men; therefore the soul of man is very precious, because it is itself that will give account to God. The soul that sinneth it shall die. It is man’s great loss if his soul has no relation with God. If he is in the bondage of sin everything is miserable. Man’s riches rely on his relation with God, to be saved from sins. All the riches here on earth are all vanity if Christ is absent in his life. Man’s most precious property is his soul. Soul will be at rest if he is saved from sin. There is peace, hope and joy if Christ is in you.

3:30 P.M. – The seminar’s topic continued, day by day more and more lights came to us, thank God!

6:00 – 9:30 - Devotional singing was led by Sis. Haia Cheene A. Pollan and again Sis. Chym Pollan led the congregational singing. Bro. Jet Batalla was the speaker, basing his thought from the Book of Daniel 2:31-35 and he entitled it as “THE CHURCH – A MOUNTAIN. The Church symbolizes a beautiful woman, it is compared likewise to a city, soldier, body and a mountain. The Church is a Mountain because it prevails among the preeminence of the four kingdoms which Nebuchadnezzar had dreamed of, and it was interpreted by the wisdom of God given to Daniel. The four kingdoms were being destroyed for the Kingdom of God has set His. It is not a literal kingdom but a spiritual kingdom which will not be destroyed and it shall stand forever.

Greetings to our dear Americans, Africans and other nationalities brethren, thank God so much for your ardent prayers, that we Filipino saints will preserve salvation blameless till the end, how we hope and wish to have your presence with us during our next Mindanao convention, Lord willing! Please continue to pray for us and special request to pray for our new young people to press on, they are: Brethren Paul, Bong and Riza Bernandino, Elvin Bandianon, Wilma Manta, Henry and Delia, and Christian Pollan and all the brethren in Kiawal, Maramag. You’re part of the success of God’s ministry here in Mindanao . Your prayers help a lot and the continuous sending of The Way of Truth paper. Again, thank God for everything!

And to all the brethren who were here, thank God for your continuous support in one way or another, and to all who were not able to attend we’re expecting your presence next convention.

(Open this web site; http://picasaweb.google.com/jetbat/6thYearMindanaoConvention07 )

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