Wednesday, August 20, 2008


(Ephesians 6:10-18)

“Put ye on the whole armour of God,”

That you may be strong in His might,

For we fight spiritual darkness, the world, self, and the devil,

And must be always ready and able to fight!

“Put ye on the whole armour of God…”

--It’s a commandment, not a suggestion.

If you leave any part off, you won’t stand every test,

And you won’t have complete protection.

Do you have on the whole armour of God?

--And live each day to do battle, and fight?

We are called to be soldiers, to fight the good fight of faith,

And fight for the Truth and the right!

Do you have on the whole armour of God?

God has given each part for a reason—

To be all you should be, and ne’er know defeat,

And be “instant in season, out of season.”

Do you have on the whole armour of God?

--Both the offensive and the defensive?

God wants us to do more than just protect ourselves;

He also wants us to go on the offensive.

Do you have on the whole armour of God?

Are your loins with the Truth girt about?

The Truth sets us free, gives us power in the fight,

And helps us false doctrine to rout.

Do you have on the whole armour of God?

Are you walking in all of the light?

If we try to get by, we deceive ourselves,

And soon lose our spiritual eyesight.

Do you have on the whole armour of God?

--Have the breastplate of righteousness on?

Do you have a conscience void of offense,

Are you living holy before God and before men?

Do you have on the whole armour of God?

--Have a victorious, Spirit-filled life?

Or is the Spirit shut out, and self in control,

And your life filled with defeat and strife?

Do you have on the whole armour of God?

--Are your feet with the Gospel of peace shod?

Are you standing firmly for God, and spreading the

Good News

Of salvation through the slain Lamb of God?

Do you have on the whole armour of God?

The shield of faith do you hold near?

To know our sins are forgiven brings great confidence

That Satan’s fiery darts we need not fear

Do you have on the whole armour of God?

God inspires our faith to believe.

Through faith, we appropriate His promises,

And all that we need, we receive.

Do you have on the whole armour of God?

--The helmet of hope of salvation?

--The expectation of conquering through the blood of the


And preserving your hope of Heaven?

Do you have on the whole armour of God?

--The sword of the Spirit have in your hand?

The Word of God, through the Spirit fulfilled,

To use at a moment’s command?

Do you have on the whole armour of God?

--Have the Word of God hid in your heart?

In temptations and trials, to quote and to claim,

It will repel Satan’s vilest dart.

Do you have on the whole armour of God?

--And use the weapons of prayer and fasting?

What a difference they can make, Satan’s power to break,

And glorious victory to bring!

Do you have on the whole armour of God?

Are you listening and watching diligently?

Don’t be distracted, or fall asleep at your post,

And be caught off guard by the Enemy!

Do you have on the whole armour of God?

Don’t take off even one of the parts.

Satan knows where you’re weak, and that’s just where

he’ll strike

And wound you with one of his darts.

Do you have on the whole armour of God?

Don’t take it off for a minute!

For the battle may come, and Satan may strike

Just when you may least expect it!

Do you have on the whole armour of God?

There’s no armour given for your back,

So don’t turn around, or ever retreat,

Though things may seem hopeless and black.

Do you have on the whole armour of God?

Jesus is the Captain of our salvation,

We must go where He leads, and obey His commands,

Until our life here on earth is done.

Do you have on the whole armour of God?

Don’t take it off and lay it down,

The battles will all be over some day,

And only the faithful receive a crown.

-- Dolores K. Morehouse

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