Wednesday, October 15, 2008

OLD SOLDIERS OF THE CROSS - By the late Pastor Victoriano T. Luzong


Old soldiers of the cross,
Mature, mellow and ripe,
In the battle of righteousness,
Under the command of Christ.

Old soldiers of the cross,
Ye held the banner high
The standard of holiness,
For Christ’s coming is nigh.

Old soldiers of the cross,
Examples to the youth,
In devotion to the Master,
What’re will be the cost.

Old soldiers of the cross,
What hardship ye had met,
In fighting for the cause of Christ,
In the winning of the lost.

Old soldiers of the Cross,
Your enemies were great,
Yes, all were die – hard Satan’s host,
Some were the false comrades.

Old soldiers of the cross,
Ye fought a great fierce fight,
Endowed with power by God’s grace,
Filled with the Holy Ghost.

Old soldiers of the cross,
In heav’n awaits a crown,
Triumphant unto the lost,
Victory ye have won.

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