Friday, October 06, 2006


Salvation seems to be a hidden treasure to those who have not found it, nevertheless we have found that no one will fail to find it if diligent search is made according to the light of the Holy Bible!

How to find Salvation is like searching the precious metals that are hidden away in the earth; in order to be successful in obtaining them, there must be some knowledge of the location and whereabouts of the metal, then a calculation made as to the cost and expenses, and a full knowledge with the best methods by which to proceed. In the mining business there are many things to get ready before the real digging starts. It is just so with the work of salvation; it is necessary first to find out its direct cost, then carefully consider the matter as to whether or not you are willing and determined to meet the conditions offered, upon which it can be had, and there will be no failure.

It is God who owns the mine of Salvation, and He has sent out an invitation. To everyone to come out and search out the riches. “Whosoever will may come”, and “they that seek shall find”. God will help each one to find the treasures. He has given the New Testament which tells all about how to find this great treasure of Salvation.

The greatest of wealth cannot be found without digging and searching for it. If you do this Salvation is yours. This is how to find Salvation! May God bless you! Amen!

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