Thursday, December 06, 2007


The Church of God here in Sta. Maria celebrated our 12th year anniversary last Sunday, December 2, 2007. It is a blessing to remember the time when God sent one of His servants in this place where souls were thirsting and hungering for the truth of God’s Word. Once were lost but thank God were found and has been fed in the green pasture through the Church of God which Jesus hath purchased with his own blood. It was year 1995 when I decided to returned home from Middle East country of Bahrain to start building the work of God in our place which I’ve never regret in all my life since then. Despite the hard times and persecution I’ve encountered from my mother who was a devoted Catholic at that time and said that we won’t go farther and we will soon come to an end, but for twelve years, the Church of God at Sta. Maria still standing for the truth and faith of the Gospel. Glory to His name! We know that the Lord is also dealing with the heart of my mother, the abhorrence she had on me and to all the saints she met (because of my conversion to true Christianity) was all gone. She doesn’t go any longer to the Catholic Church during Sunday but stay at home, at times attending our Sunday service and sometimes conversing with the brethren. What we’ve been waiting for and keep on praying is to see her humbling herself before God and personally accept Jesus as her Lord and Savior.

The theme of our Anniversary was taken from Deuteronomy 4:6 “The wise and understanding people of God” It is to encourage each one that the true Church of God are compose of wise and knowledgeable people who rightly dividing the Word of truth. The Lord said that we shall not add unto the Word or diminish ought from it. The true Christians are wise to discern the good from evil; right from wrong; and truth from error. Praise His Holy name!

The service was started with devotional singing presided by Sis. Tita Pantino followed by the kneeling prayer led by Sis. Rose Marzan of Bicutan. We asked the presence of God and His blessing to pour out in our midst as we proceed to our service. We were fasted and prayed much for our 12th year anniversary service knowing that the Lord still moves and manifests in the assembly of the true and humble saints of God; and He’s always willing to meet the needs of each lowly in spirit. Bro. Jun Ressureccion taught the Sunday school lesson. Our topic was “The Christian faces traditions of men”. The discussion went smoothly and efficiently as the ministers contributed their knowledge and share their thought that helped each one to be enlightened of the traditions of men which should not to be followed that we may not be led away from the truth. Thank the Lord for the light of His Word and for leading us to the truth of the Bible. We’ve been freed from worldliness and traditions of men. As the anniversary of the local church at Sta. Maria comes, the ambiance of Convention is at hand. Approaching December is stimulating times of preparation for Christmas celebration for the so-called Christians in the world, but for the true Christians, the Church of God Philippines, it is the inspiring times of preparation for the coming Church of God Convention.

One usual part of the service is the greetings and testimony of birthday celebrants (brethren/family member) during the past whole week. There were two young sisters, two little boys from Sta. Maria congregation and two brothers from other congregation uttered their thankfulness to God. We are very thankful to God for granting Sis. Mhaye‘s heart desire to be with us on our anniversary service as it was also her birthday. She has been persecuted and being hindered by her family to come to the church service. She prayed much to God to make away for her to spend her birthday on the church service to have an opportunity to testify for the Lord, thank the Lord; she made a right choice and was able to express her gratefulness on what God has done to her life. (After the service she immediately went home thinking that her parents were already waiting for her. An hour later, I received a text message from her father, asking for her. I called him up and explained everything). May the Lord help her in all battles she may ever face and keep her faith and promise to our Lord. Sis. Judith led the prayer for the birthday celebrants.

Various congregations were present in our service; each of them gave their report and rendered a song that brought us more to the spirit of worship: “Only the Saints will be There” by Bicutan; “ Jesus will Outshine Them All” by Signal Village; “Shall We Gather at the River” by Binangonan; "Mt. Zion" by Quezon City; and “I Found the Better Way” by San Rafael. There were also brethren came from other places. Sis Letty Logan of Dubai who’s presently taking her vacation here in the Philippines and Sis Grace of Samar were also present. Invited visitors also attended the service; one of them came to altar. Bro. Randy Rovero of Sta. Maria (a newly born young Christian) gave his testimony on how he came to know the Lord and found the truth of the Church of God (He was one of the leaders of the music ministry of Baptist Church).He accepted the Lord last year, during our Convention when Bro. Greg Tyler preached about “Eternity”. The Sta. Maria children presented a special number, singing with action “Oh Be careful” adds joy to our souls and two young Christians: daughter and son of Sis. Jackie of Sta. Maria who has been suffering from cancer of the breast since April this year; sung a song “Thank You Lord”. We couldn’t help but our tears flowed from our eyes as we felt the presence of God and what a joy it was to feel the blessings of God in this service. Bro Jet Batalla also came down from Bagiuo City together with his wife, Sis.Wilma and her sister; Sis. Judith Batalla from Paniqui, Tarlac. They arrived Saturday night. Bro Jet Batalla was God’s instrument in building the Church of God here in Sta. Maria. He labored for three years in our place and when the Lord knew that we can already stand on our own but through the grace of God and the leading of the Holy Spirit, He called Bro Jet and sent to Dagupan where the he started to build a new congregation that time. Now, he is laboring in Bagiuo City where he is ministering the Radio Broadcast.

Bro. Jet Batalla was the speaker of the service. He spoke on “The Church, The Temple of God” referring to 1 Corinthians 3:9-10. He emphasized the importance of each member as a laborer together with God that shall be in harmony with one another just like the temple of Solomon when it was built. The workers of God are considered wise builder and Jesus Christ is the laid foundation of this building. We were also encouraged to continue to live according to the teaching of Jesus Christ and not to the other teaching founded by men. At the altar call, there were six souls came to the altar. Afterwards, the elders anointed our ailing brethren with oil and prayed for their healing.

That concluded our blessed service. Sis Judith led the closing prayer looking forward for the success of the coming Convention more than what God has done in this service. After the service as we greet one another with a holy kiss, we said “the devil has defeated the Lords won the victory!” We are very thankful to our dear Lord and Savior for His great faithfulness. We also want to express our sincere thanks to those who prayed much for the victory of God’s work here in Sta. Maria. Without much prayer of the saints and abundant grace of our Loving God, we would not reach our 12Th year anniversary. Truly we are laborers together with God and we are helping one another to build the work of our Lord here in the Philippines and throughout the world as well. May God bless us all!

Thursday, November 01, 2007

Tuesday, October 02, 2007


I THANK GOD for this rare opportunity of presenting a simple message. I pray that this message may be empowered by the Holy Spirit, and at the same time anointing will be given to every reader.

Salvation is a popular and controversial issue among professing Christians. The sad fact is, it is also widely misunderstood thus causing confusion, and as a result many precious souls treat Christianity as failure. But despite these, the truth about salvation still exists and only those who are motivated by right intentions, those who accept the Bible as it is, those who are willing to meet the conditions, will find this “Pearl of Great Price.” “For every one that asketh receiveth; and he that seeketh findeth; and to him that knocketh it shall be opened.” The title of this message is simply, “What Truth is and How to Prove it.”

In the gospel of St. John 8:32 we read, “And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.” These words from the Master aroused His hearer’s interest about an amusing subject, that of freedom. Here, let us first set aside truth and focus our attention about freedom. In fact, this freedom is “vital” in letting us understand truth.

Let me ask a question that will lead us to understand freedom. What was binding these Jews that brought them to a position that they were in need of freedom? They even insisted that they were Abraham’s seed and were never in bondage to any man. But to this our Master responded, “Verily verily, I say unto you, Whosoever COMMITTETH SIN is the SERVANT OF SIN.” Here we understand that anyone who is living in sin is a servant, or simply, a prisoner. May that be plain and simple enough.

It has been said, “The first step to victory is to know who our enemy is”; and since sin is man’s greatest enemy, it is highly important that we understand the nature of sin, the cause and effect of it, and its attributes. Sin of course is empowered by Satan, and we see the first person to be captivated by sin was Eve. To understand further, sin has three forms and the Bible calls it as the things of the world. “For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh [fornication, vices, anger, etc.], the lust of the eyes [pornography, sexual movies], and the pride of life [fame, selfish ambitions], is not of the Father, but is of the world” (I John 2:16). Sin is defined in the Bible as “transgression of the law” (I John 3:4). But, let us understand that sin has two definite senses. Here, I ask the reader to CAREFULLY CONSIDER this part. Let us read I John 5:17. “All unrighteousness is sin: and there is a sin [that leadeth] NOT unto death.” In verse 16 we read, “… there is a sin [that leadeth] UNTO death.” What is the difference between the two? In one sense it is NOT UNTO DEATH, while in another sense it is UNTO DEATH. So sin is clearly identified by the cause and effect of it, because in one text we read, “The wages of sin is death.” To make it more simple, let us name “sin unto death” as IMPUTED SIN, and “sin not unto death” as UNIMPUTED SIN. Unimputed sin is a transgression of God’s law and leadeth NOT unto death, because anyone who UNKNOWINGLY transgresses a law of God is innocent for “… sin is not imputed when there is no law” (Romans 5:13). Imputed sin, either commission or omission, involves our will, freedom, knowledge and consent. Anyone who is found guilty of this sin is under condemnation; dead, a prisoner, and if not amended eternal punishment will be his final destination. I believe this is the sin that Jesus was talking about when He said, “Whosoever committeth sin is a servant of sin.” This is the condition of many. That’s why our Master said, “And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.”

If we desire freedom, Dearly Beloved, the truth is clear. Jesus is the “way, the truth and the life.” It is a failure when we use our own feeble strength in obtaining this freedom. More religions, more prison houses or organizations won’t do because, “Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved [freed]” (Acts 4:12). “And she shall bring forth a son, and thou shalt call his name Jesus: for he shall save [free] his people [creation; family of man] FROM their sins” (Matthew 1:21). But, we cannot obtain this freedom or salvation without realizing our need of God. There must be a SINCERE heart’s desire to leave the life of sin, and a desire to stop sinning. If no desire is found, better not start at all because it will only end up into another failure. Leaving a life of sin is launching to a different kind of life, the very opposite of sin—holiness. And, we are aspiring for a life of service and sacrifice for Jesus. We must deny ourselves. That’s why it is important to COUNT THE COST. Salvation is experienced and obtained through the process of conversion or being born again, justified or pardoned from sin simultaneously. True repentance is necessary. The time must come that we feel sick and tired of sin and come to God really repenting of our sins. “The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit: a broken and contrite heart, O God, thou will not despise” (Psalm 51:17). “I tell you, Nay: but, except ye repent, ye shall all likewise perish” (Luke 13:3). This is now, or never; tomorrow might be too late. “Boast not thyself of to morrow; for thou knowest not what a day may bring forth” (Proverbs 27:1). Redeem the time, Sinner Friend. We are free moral agents and the choice is left to us. Come to God with an open and humble heart. Though this freedom will cost your whole life, it is all worth it. So if there is something holding you back, let me ask you a question to answer with reasonableness. If you are going to surrender your life to Jesus, will it lead you to destruction or harm you? No, no and no! Of course not. In fact it’s the other way around. Life is joyful if we are living free from sin. I know what it is to be in bondage to sin—no peace of mind; no life’s purpose; no assurance; something is always lacking; afraid to die; a life full of confusion and misery. But thank God, Jesus came on the scene and liberated me. PRAISE AND MAGNIFY HIS NAME! Though I’m still a literal prisoner who was convicted for murdering my own cousin and grandmother, I have real freedom, because indeed the truth has set me free. I’m thankful because through those iron bars and thick walls, I was led to be still and consider who God is. I was also given the opportunity to listen to His words that helped me realize my need of salvation. And by meeting the Bible conditions, I can boldly say I’m free. Glory to His name! Dear Sinner Friend, you may be in a free society but if sin is dominating your life, you are bound by a powerful force and that kind of imprisonment is worse than being literally bound by chains or thick walls. May I point you to Jesus Christ and be set free. I sincerely pray that God will move on your heart. What will be your decision?

We proceed now to the remaining part of this message and it is centered on providing the truth. The dictionary defines prove as, “to establish validity; assertion; confirm; be found to be.” How then are we going to prove the truth? When I say truth, I mean the truth that Jesus Christ has indeed set you free from sin. The great Master said, and it is a logical explanation, “Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit; but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit” (Matthew 7:17). And verse 20 says, “Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them.” What’s on the inside will NATURALLY come out. The life we live will prove who we really are because actions SPEAK LOUDER than words. If we truly are saved from sin, then the change or transformation that took place inside our hearts will show its effect in our lives and conduct. We will no longer be a liar, a thief, a murderer or any wicked kind of person. We are already “new creatures in Christ.” These words are plain and easy to understand, but because of many NOT having the desire to completely live from sin, they come up with the conclusion that it’s impossible to live free from sin, thus ending with a “sin you must” doctrine. I pray that this is not your ground, Friend, but instead you would be one of the precious souls that are willing to meet the conditions, and be a living proof of the TRUTH OF SALVATION. The Bible says, “Whosoever is born of God [saved from sin] doth not commit sin; for his seed remaineth in him: and he cannot sin, because he is born of God” (I John 3:9). This text is very clear. Salvation or being born of God is the cause, and “doth not commit sin” is the effect. So to cut it short, salvation is the STARTING POINT of holiness and through the sufficient grace of God we stay holy as we combat the temptations of the world, and will willingly walk in every light that shines on our way.

My prayer is that all Christians will stay true and a clear testimony will be exhibited before the sinners’ clear eyes and ears, so that they’ll conclude that “truly freedom from sin is possible.” “Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.”

God bless you, and to God be the honor and glory Bro. Charlie Caburian, Philippines

Friday, September 28, 2007

MY TESTIMONY - Bro. Eddie A.Santos

I was born in a big family , two elder sisters and four brothers me being the youngest. My Father Tatang Tacs(Anastacio) as they call him was a good provider for he was able to sent us all six (6) in college and had all finished our bachelors degree. My Mother as they call her Nanay Paz is just a plain housewife and a housekeeper and I never saw her went to other houses and just mind her own business do all the caring for us and cooking and father do the budgeting. As a young boy I grew up in a Methodist church and was active then for I even join in their literary presentation during Christmas time but when I reached the age of a teenager I stopped entering their church instead went to the Catholic church for most of my friends were Catholics. My Family was never active in any church or denomination for my father and my mother never did I saw them enter in any of these sects or denominations but my grandfather the father of my mother who was a school teacher is a Methodist church member. So we were not obliged by our parents to go to any of these churches. During my young age I got sick so terribly that I was in delirium the ceiling of my room looks so vast and by that time I saw mother in her knees praying and in the morning I was well and I know God heard the prayer of my dear mother. My parents also accepted the Lord later in their years.

Starting with my experience with the Lord , after I graduated in college and had passed the board exam for civil engineers. I was full of ambition in life I went to the city of Manila in search for a job and I got one, while waiting then to be assigned to Bicol province on a big industrial project unfortunately I resigned for the reason that I was being hunted by someone that I had done wrong and I went back to Paniqui and it was then that brother Rey saw me and invited me but was so hesitant and always say to him some other time but he always drop by our house on his way to lacayanga to a night service in the house of Pastor Luzong’s son Garding. It started that way and then to a Sunday service to Pastor’s Luzong’s house where I was move by the Holy Spirit and I found myself in the altar seeking and asking forgiveness to the Lord I believed I was forgiven and was added unto the Church of God. All my ambitions in life to be a successful engineer totally changed and I found myself with bro. Jet, Bro. Arnold(bokwa),Bro. Ging, Sister Mercy (Sergio’s wife), Sis. Myrna luzong studying theology and homiletics in the tailoring shop of Pastor Luzong where he was our teacher. We have bible services every night and we were doing visitation on every houses with the leadership of Pastor Luzong. We were trained to stand in the pulpit and apply what we learned in homiletics. Until I met Sis. Nimpa sister of Bro. Ging who was then having her vacation she had just finished Nursing and waiting for the result of her board exam. I was captivated by her charm and we got married the first marriage officiated by Pastor Luzong in his ministry in the Church of God.

Things run so fast that we found ourselves with three children to support give their material needs and send to school. They were reared in the church of God and had also accepted the Lord as their personal Savior and we were so proud for that. I hope they continue to live like a church of God should be. Eva rose is now in her fourth year in college taking medical technology and Nehemiah Ed is now in his second year in engineering and Gracie Anne is with us here in Italy and now in her second year in high school, Gracie is so talented that she always got excellent grades. I hope that someday we will be back again to our beloved country and again together with brethren in the Church of God.

In Christ love,
Bro. Eddie

Monday, September 24, 2007

Five Kinds of Religion, C.W. Naylor

Christianity is a singing religion. The coming of Jesus was ushered in with the joyful chants of the heavenly throng. Singing has ever been a prominent part of the worship of God. When the soul has a vision of the God revealed in the New Testament it is uplifted, illuminated, inspired, exalted. This exaltation naturally bursts forth into heavenly songs—songs of joy and true happiness.

The vast wealth of song written by Christians and used in their religious devotions is in a strange and almost startling contrast to the lack of song in the other religions of the world. Music has little part in the worship of other systems of religion. The American Indian may sing his war song, song of the chase, or other similar songs in his religious festivals. The votaries of other religions may also sing songs, but these are generally not songs of worship but songs to placate their gods, rather than attempts to express their own joyfulness in the service of their gods. It is true that Buddhism in some countries is borrowing the Christian custom of song in worship and adapting Christian hymns to their worship. It should be noted, however, that this is a mere adaptation in the face of Christian competition rather than something that originated in Buddhism. So Christianity may be said to be the only singing religion including, of course, the worship of Israel, from which it has in a great measure been derived.

Religion has a powerful influence upon happiness. It adds much to or takes much from natural happiness, according to the kind of religion in which we believe. Christians do not all believe in the same sort of religion. True, they all believe in one God, and in one Bible, and in a general way in many of the same things. When we come to the practical side of religion, however, there are about five kinds of the Christian religion. Four of these produce little happiness, in fact may hinder happiness. They may stifle the song that would naturally arise from the free heart. The reader will do well to pause and consider as we notice these five kinds of religion—which, if any, he has, or if he has a mixture of them.


First, there is the don't religion. It is the religion of self-denial. It is hedged in with numerous restrictions. It is a religion in which the worshiper is kept in a straight jacket. It is largely a negative religion. Those having this religion may be very strict, very sincere, very earnest, but they never can be truly happy. Happiness never comes from the purely negative aspect of life. When we deny ourselves anything in religion the purpose should not be merely that we be without it, but that we may put in its place something greater, something that will contribute more to our happiness and well-being. Religion is intended to make people free, with the highest type of freedom. "If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed," is the slogan of the New Testament. A don't religion is conducive to bondage. There is a sort of satisfaction in this don't religion. It may gratify the sense of duty, but we must get a different sort of religion in order to know the secret of the singing heart.


The second kind of religion is the do religion. It consists of merely following forms and ceremonies, or obeying rules and regulations, or doing works of merit. Its followers may find considerable satisfaction in reading prayers, bowing down and arising, in making the sign of the cross, in keeping holy days, making pilgrimages in closely following outlined ceremonials and going through forms. Some of the forms of religion have a certain value in giving soul uplift, but they are a poor substitute for the realities of true religion. With this formalism there may be stately singing by trained choirs, there may be grand organs pealing forth, there may be intellectual discoursing, with the heart of genuine religion absent. The esthetic sense is gratified while the soul is left unfed or perhaps impoverished. This do religion trusts in works. It draws much satisfaction from what it has done. There was much of this sort of religion among the old Pharisees. But who ever saw a Pharisee who was truly happy, whose heart sang with joy? No, a religion of mere works, of forms and ceremonies, can bring little true happiness.


Another form of religion is the Sinai religion. It hedges in lives with "thou shalt" and "thou shalt not." It is the mere keeping of commandments. It is a worshiper of authority. It is doing because one must. It is refraining from doing for fear of punishment. The God of Sinai still thunders forth in this religion. He is a great and awful God, crowned with majesty and glory, but far removed from the worshiper. He is worshiped in fear and trembling at the foot of the mountains whose summit is hidden in angry clouds. Out of these clouds flash the lightnings of divine vengeance. It is a stiff and rigorous religion. There is little of grace or mercy in it. It is walking by rule. There is little in it to start the songs that come from a peaceful and happy heart.


Then there is what may be called the slippery religion. It is one that people must hold fast with all their might lest it should slip away from them. People who have this type of religion are constantly in fear of losing it. If they do this, or that, or the other thing, they wonder, "Now, have I lost my religion?" They are always examining themselves. They are always questioning and wondering. They cannot for long settle down to certainty. They are often overwhelmed with doubts and fears. They are constantly observing their emotions to see whether or not these emotions indicate whether they still have religion or have lost it.

Perhaps they pray and earnestly try to draw near to God. Then if joy and happiness come they are satisfied and sure they have their religion. But presently a dark day comes. Their emotions subside. Then they wonder again whether they still have their religion. In reality their struggle is not to keep their religion, but to keep their emotions and to satisfy their own questionings and doubts. This religion carries them alternately to the mountain top, then to the depths of the valley of humiliation. It is truly an "up and down" religion. This slippery sort of religion can never be the source of true and lasting happiness.


The fifth and true type of religion, the religion that corresponds with the teachings of the New Testament and with the experiences of those who have learned the inner and fuller realities of religion, is that religion which is of the heart. It is not a religion of restriction, neither of formalism. It is neither Sinai religion, nor a slippery religion. It is a religion in which the heart is in its natural element. It is a religion of peace and contentment, a religion of joyful service. It is the natural expression of the soul. It is a peaceful and harmonious relation with God. It is the relation of a child and its father. Its elements are simplicity, sincerity, purity, faith, love, and all the fruits of the Spirit. It is a Spirit-filled life. All these things just mentioned are the deep sources that feed the bubbling springs of joy that flow forth in the waters of rejoicing and song.

In this sort of religion God is not a great and terrible monarch, a stern judge, a task-master; nor his laws a set of hard decrees. No, the Christian religion as seen in its true light is "good tidings of great joy to all people." It is written, "Happy is that people whose God is the Lord." With such a religion we not only can read of the joys of salvation in the Scriptures but have the experience of them in our own souls. In this sort of Christian life we do not fear God in the sense of being afraid of him. We do not tremble before him.

Godly fear becomes the equivalent of reverential love and out of divine and spiritual love flow greater joys than flow out of natural love.


Real religion has two sides—first, the inside, the relations of the soul with God. The Scripture says, "Acquaint now thyself with him, and be at peace." That means to get acquainted with God, get on good terms with him. know his good qualities. Come into close contact and association with him. To know him thus is to be at peace with him. We must have the real inner experience of divine life in the soul and union with Christ. This is open to everyone who will seek it in God's way.

The other side of religion is the outside. There can be a true outside of religion only when there is a true inside religion. James defines the outside of religion by saying,

"Pure religion and undefiled before God and the father is this, to visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from the world" (James 1:27)

—a pure and holy inner life, a pure and blameless outer life, devoted to service and helpfulness. This is the religion that is a well-watered land, full of springs and fruitfulness. It is a land of song and cheer and of true blessedness.

This Christian life is the life of the "new song." When the Psalmist looked back upon the "horrible pit" and the "miry clay" out of which the Lord had delivered him he cried,

"He hath put a new song in my mouth" (Ps. 40:3).

The Revelator saw the great host of redeemed souls gathered before the throne of God and he said,

"I heard the voice of harpers harping with their harps: and they sung as it were a new song before the throne" (Rev. 14:2-3).

In chapter 15:3 we are told the nature of this song,

"And they sing the song of Moses, the servant of God, and the song of the Lamb."

The song of Moses was the song of Israel's deliverance from Egypt and their enemies after the crossing of the Red Sea. The song of the Lamb is the song of salvation. So the song we sing is a song of deliverance and of salvation. No wonder it is a joyful song!

The song has a special characteristic.

"No man could learn that song but the hundred and forty and four thousand, which were redeemed from the earth" (Rev. 14:3).

This company of people, represented in symbol by the "hundred and forty and four thousand," are all the redeemed of God. The song that could not be learned by others was the song that is learned only by experience, the experience of redemption and salvation through Jesus Christ. It cannot be sung by mere professors of religion, nor by formalists, nor by legalists. It breaks forth only from the hearts of those who are happy and free in Christ.

Isaiah, foreseeing this glorious age of salvation, cried,

"The ransomed of the Lord shall return, and come to Zion with songs and everlasting joy upon their heads; they shall obtain joy and gladness, and sorrow and sighing shall flee away" (Isa. 35:10).

This is the experience of those who have learned the secret of the singing heart.

Friday, September 21, 2007


Dear Brod Jet,

Greetings! in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. I'm so glad to hear from you there in the Philippines. It's been quite a time that you heard of us out here in Italy. The reason is that we don't have an Internet connection and we just have it connected this month. We scarcely have the time to go to Internet shop and drop an email to you there. Our life here is self supporting go to work and still do the household chores.Time runs so fast that we are now two 2 years here in this place and still have a hard time learning their language which is the reason why working is not that easy due to communication gap. But God is so good that He gave me a good job and work in an office and always lift me up and help me confront all my difficulties. Now I'm beginning to get acquainted with the place. I'm so thankful that you always include us in your prayers.I started to browse the daan ng katotohanan blog at the Internet and was really glad to see that the work for the Lord in the Philippines is continuing and I hope that you always have the time to keep us updated. I was bless to know that there is a work now in Samar and brethren in Marinduque are really stepping forward for the Lord. This is for now.
Regards to everybody.

Brod Eddie & Family

(Gracie Anne Santos)

Friday, September 14, 2007


It was held Sept. 9, 2007 at Ditale, Dipaculao, Aurora.

Monday, September 03, 2007

Funeral Service Part IV

Sept. 1, 2007 at Paniqui Memorial Park.

Funeral Service Part III

Sept. 1, 2007 at Paniqui Memorial Park, Paniqui, Tarlac.

Sunday, September 02, 2007

Funeral Service Part II

Sept. 1, 2007 at Paniqui, Tarlac.

Pastor VT Luzong's Funeral Service

Sept. 1, 2007 at Paniqui, Tarlac.

Saturday, September 01, 2007

4th Night of Pastor Vic Luzong's Wake

August 31, 2007 at Paniqui, Tarlac.

Friday, August 31, 2007


August 30, 2007 at Paniuqi, Tarlac

Thursday, August 30, 2007


August 29, 2007 at Paniqui, Tarlac.


August 28, 2007 at Paniqui, Tarlac.

Wednesday, August 29, 2007


(For more videos open this link;

Tuesday, August 28, 2007


Our dearest Pastor Vic Luzong has been called home by the Lord Whom he faithfully served for the past 59 years of his life. May his faithfulness and devotion for Christ's cause continue to live on our hearts and we'll continue to keep united in love.

(Visit and for video)

Tuesday, August 21, 2007


Musmos pa lang ako ay naimulat na
Mayroon daw Dios ang sabi ni Ina
Dapat dumalangi't luluhod sa Kanya
Siya ang tutulong lalo't may problema.

Sa harap ng altar ay nag-oorasyon
Sama-sama kami pagsapit ng hapon
Mayro'n pang rebulto na tinitingnan ko
Upang marinig Niya ang mga daing ko.

Anong tagal naman ng pananalangin
Naiinip ako at halos antukin
Paano ba naman may dasal pang Latin
Di ko naman alam ang ibig sabihin.

Mabilis lumipas ang maraming taon
Nalugmok sa sala't di na makaahon
Kahit dumalangin lalong nababaon
Sa dusa't hilahil sa'n man pumaro'n.

Hanggang isang araw may nag-abot ng kamay
Panginoon Jesus na handang dumamay
Inalis sa hukay ng pagkakasala
Nang ako'y magsisi't manampalataya.

Labis ang papuri at pasasalamat
Sa Panginoong Jesus na Tagapagligtas
Di man nararapat ako'y naging anak
Na nahahandang maglingkod ng tapat.

Akala ko noon ang salitang banal
Ay nakaraan na't sa Biblia lamang
Subalit ng ito'y maging karanasan
Totoo nga pala ang buhay na banal.

Saturday, August 18, 2007


Bro Jet,

Greetings in Jesus Name

Ipinagdiwang ang 3rd Anniversary ng Church of God, Richmond, Canada noong Agosto 12, 2007. Salamat sa Panginoon sa Kanyang pagtulong at sa lahat ng Kapatiran na patuloy na sumusuporta as pamamagitan ng kanilang maningas na panalangin at sa iba na tumulong sa iba't iba namang kaparaanan. Na nagbigay daan para as matagumpay pagdiriwang Ng Iglesia ng Diyos dito sa Canada.

Guests were invited from the neighbouring cities of Vancouver & Surrey. Invitations were not confined to Filipinos only, but extended to different nationalities as well. God touched their hearts in mysterious ways. As a result we have 6 foreigners who attended the service. Other guests from other religion and various sects church & denominations.

Church service started with devotional songs led by Sis. Malou Solomon who was the presider. The service was held in English for the duration of the service for the benefit of our foreign visitors. Devotional prayer was led by Sis. Bel de Leon and Bible reading on Psalm 23 by Bro.Larry Solomon. Special numbers rendered by Solomon sisters, Sis.Laurice & Sis. Amor titled " I could sing of Your love forever". A stirring personal testimony from Sis. Bel brought misty eyed to the congregation. Last was inspiring song by Sis. Malou Solomon titled " How great thou art". Before the message, As the whole congregation sung "The old rugged cross" the presence of the Holy Spirit was strongly felt that brought tears to our eyes.

The Anniversary message was delivered by Bro.Ding de Leon (yours truly). His text was taken from the theme Matt.22:37-40 " Thou shall love the Lord thy God with all thy heart and with all thy soul and with all thy mind" and Deut.10:12." What do the Lord thy God require of thee but to fear the Lord thy God,to walk in all His ways and to love Him and to serve the Lord thy God with all thy heart,and with all thy soul".

Before the preaching, the visitors were enlightened about the History of Church of God? What the Church stands for? Her founder & builder. Who are the true members of the Church? The standard of the Church of God.Then comes the preaching of the Word. The preaching was delivered in English for the benefits of the foreign visitors. The Holy Spirit greatly help in giving the utterance ,wisdom and power to the speaker to preach the word with boldness and love for the souls in need. The message is how we can show our love to God? We know how to love our parents,children or friends. But for God, do we really know how to love Him.? Matt. 22:37 Our love will be acceptable if we will love God with all thy heart,soul,mind and strength. Anything we love more than God is considered idolatry.Then in Deut. 10:12 To love God is to fear Him. Fear means an attitude of deep respect for God & His laws. Walk in all His ways at all times. Walk worthy of the Lord and hate every false way. To love Him, we should love others like ourselves. Love not the world nor the things that are in the world....Lust of the flesh,lust of the eyes & the pride of life. To love God is to serve Him lifetime.Trust Him at all times and to live a fruitful & holy life Amen.

At the end of service most of the brethren renew themselves, some humbled themselves to be sanctified. Some of the visitors indicated the desire to come again on the next service. For all the blessings we received. We thank the Lord for His loving kindness, to the brethren who in one way or another pray & help for the success of God's work in this country, to the Christian youth of Canada who did their part in making & designing bookmarks, banner and the new hymnals. Your gesture big & small are greatly appreciated. God bless us all, Amen

In Christ service
Bro.Ding de Leon

(Open this link for pictures;,
Open our new web site: THE CHURCH OF GOD IN VIDEO).

Friday, August 17, 2007


Our new web site; THE CHURCH OF GOD IN VIDEO

Thursday, August 16, 2007

17th Year Anniversary of The Church of God at Bicutan

August 12, 2007

Friday, August 10, 2007


A missionar work in Talolora, Palapag, Northern Samar (July 13-23, 2007).

Wednesday, August 08, 2007


Ang isang putahe na iluluto ay kailangang kumpleto at may tamang sangkap upang ito ay maging masarap at kaaya-ayang kainin. Tulad ng "Bicol Express", hindi dapat mawala ang sangkap na sili na talaga namang pampagana sa pagkain.

Mga mahalagang sangkap sa matagumpay na buhay-Cristiano:

  1. Pananalangin - Pagkagising sa umaga bago ang mga gawain, umpisahan ang araw sa pakikipag-usap sa Panginoon. Pasalamatan natin Siya sa isang panibagong umaga at humingi tayo ng gabay na sa araw na ito ay magawa natin ang lahat ayon sa kalooban ng Dios. Anuman ang nasa puso natin ay maipararating natin sa Kaniya sa pamamagitan ng panalangin. Hindi lamang sa umaga ang pananalangin, sabi sa I Tes. 5:17, "Magsipanalangin kayong walang patid." Lagi tayong makipag-ugnayan sa Panginoon. Anumang oras kailangan tayong manalangin lalo na kung gumagawa ang kalaban. Humingi tayo ng gabay at tulong sa Panginoong makapangyarihan sa lahat
  2. Pagbabasa at pag-aaral ng salita ng Dios - Sa pagbabasa ay nalalaman natin ang kalooban ng Dios. Una ay basahin natin ang Biblia o banal na kasulatan, the best-seller book in the world. Kakaiba ito sa lahat ng aklat o magasin na mababasa natin. Sa paulit-ulit nating pagbabasa, ibayong kaalaman ang ating matatamo. Sa pagsasaliksik natin, lalo pang liwanag ang makikita natin. Tunay na pagkain ito ng ating kaluluwa. Marami ring mga babasahin patungkol sa salita ng Dios na magbibigay ng hamon at kalakasan sa ating buhay espiritwal.
  3. Pakikipagtipon - Hindi maikakaila na talaga namang abala ang mga nanay sa gawaing bahay araw-araw. Subalit gaano man tayo kaabala, huwag nating pabayaan ang pakikipagtipon, Sunday worship at prayer meeting. Malaking kakulangan sa isang mananampalataya ang pagliban sa mga gawain lalo na kung madalas itong mangyari. Nakakalungkot kapag may mga kapatid tayo na dati ay kasama sa mga pagtitipon, maging sa mga paghayo, na sa ngayon ay hindi na nakakasama. Kung dumarating ang convention, may mga kapatid na hindi dumadalo. Nakakapanghinayang na ang mga pagpapalang espiritwal ay hindi nila napakinggan. Sa Heb. 10:25, sinasabing huwag nating pabayaan ang ating pagkakatipon na gaya ng ugali ng iba, kundi mangag-aralan sa isa't isa lalo na kung inyong namamalas na nalalapit na ang araw. Lagi nating naririnig at nakikita natin ang mga senyales na nalalapit na ang pagdating ng Panginoon.
  4. Papapatotoo - Ipatotoo natin sa sanlibutan ang ginawang pagliligtas ng Panginoon sa atin, mula sa buhay na makasalanan tungo sa buhay na banal. Ibahagi natin ang katotohanan sa ating mga mahal sa buhay, mga kapitbahay at sa ibang tao. Kung paano na sa pamamagitan ng ating mga kapatid na nagtiyaga na maibahagi sa atin ang katotohanan ay gayon din ang gawin natin upang sila man ay makakilala rin sa Dios. Maging ilaw at asin tayo sa sanlibutan. Makita sa ating buhay ang kaibahan ng isang tunay na mananampalataya at maging pagpapala sa iba.

Maging masarap na samyo sa Dios nawa ang ating mga buhay.

- Sis. Dada Valdivia of Quezon City Congregation

Report from the Works of God at Palapag, Northern Samar By: Sis. Grace Potot

Report from the Works of God at Palapag, Northern Samar

By: Sis Grace O. Potot

The Saints from Samar Church of God Congregation met their second year anniversary last May 27, 2007. We are thankful to Almighty God many visitors responded the invitation. Seekers for Christ went to the altar of prayer for repentance and sought for Salvation. Others for their temporal needs and problems. 12 souls were saved. Thanks heavenly Father for the success of your works bestowed upon us. The Spirit of God worked with us throughout the services as He sees fit. God really blessed us in a very special way. Saints from barangay Natawo and barangay Paysud also worshipped with us.

Our visiting ministers came from different local Congregation. From Quezon City was Bro. Boyet, our host pastor, his wife S. Rebecca, son J.J and Bro. Danny Sapnu. Bro. Eddie Rodil from Marinduque, Bro. Fer Silot of Bicutan and Sis. Dada Valdivia, our overseer. However, their expected arrival was extended due to emergency operation of Bro. Boyet son, Jayneil for ruptured appendix. God in His intervening power, Jayneil recovered immediately. The God we served is an able God. A living and mighty God. "To Him be the glory great things He has done".
God put in the hearts of Samar believers to have prayer meetings prior to anniversary for the success in their spiritual endeavour, directions and guidance of the Holy Spirit all days of the services.

Comes our program proper. May 25, Friday. 6am - we started with morning devotion led by Sis. Dada. Songs were sang. It was so inspiring and convicting. The message taken from Mat. 6:33. "Seek ye first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you". Bro. Boyet, our pastor expounded the text as he is led by the Spirit of God. To seek the kingdom first is to seek Christ Jesus first in our life. Their is no satisfaction without Christ. We must accept Christ first as our God and Savior through salvation and the rest even our material needs will be added unto us.

2:00 pm- Our revival service was at Brngy. Paysud. The song leader was S. Rebecca Faustino. The place we prepared was outside S. Rosarios' place to accommodate the visitors invited. As we started the service rain poured out heavily. God is so good and always He is the Subia family from nearby house offered the place. Thank God for their hospitality.Bro. Boyet spoke on the thought " Ang Alibughang anak". Taken from Luke 15: 11-24. His message was directed to the unsaved. Like the prodigal son in this parable as soon as we came into realization of our spiritual stand before God. Humble yourself before Him. Be sorry for the sins committed and go to the altar of prayer wherever you find God's presence. He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness through the blood of the lamb. Christ Jesus the only way. If you feel the need for God now in your life don't hesitate come to the altar. Tomorrow maybe too late.

May 26, Saturday, 6am- Sis. Dada led the prayer. Bro. Danny Sapnu delivered the message. His text was taken from II Cor. 13:5-6, " Examine Thyself." How is our relationship with God. Are we going forward or backward. Progressing or regressing spiritually speaking. Don't look at others. Examine thyself. Are we moving to the pilgrim road to holiness or that awful doom of hell, Even those that have no Christ in their life God is offering that precious gift to everyone that believe. Gift that is free and priceless.

2:00 pm - Our next revival was at Brgy. Natawo. Quite a distant place. Saints enjoyed walking up the mountain. S. Rebecca was the song leader. Bro. Eddie was the preacher. His text was taken from Mat. 6:19-21, "Mga dakilang bagay na hindi nawawala." Lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven where neither moth nor rust doth corrupt and where thieves break through and steal. 7 souls went to the altar. Were so blessed this day. Thank God.
Divine healing service followed. Souls went to the altar for healing. We pray to God and trust someday we will hear their testimony of healing. For we believed by His stripes we are healed. God is an able God.

May 27, Sunday service. 9:00 am= Sis Dada led the prayer. Bro. Eddie Rodil was our Sunday school teacher. The topic was "The Dark Ages." A brief history of the Church was discussed. Saints were brave and bold enough unveiling the truth of the dark ages. Special song was offered by Sis Dada. The song was entitled "Prayer". The angelic voice plus the message of the song was so inspiring. Thank God. After the song Bro. Boyet gave the message, "The Church of God." Taken from Mat. 16:18. Are we a part of the Church of God? This is not church membership. For the family of God are those that were saved from sin. “And the Lord added to the church daily such as should be saved." It is now time for us to turn around and look for that old landmark- that old rugged cross in Calvary where His blood was spread as ransomed for all our iniquity. The church of God is the bride of Christ. He bought it with His precious blood. That is how He loved His bride. He gave His all. Are we not willing to give our all for Christ sake? Can we not say all for the cause of Christ? If we chose Him as our bridegroom we ought to love Him with all our heart. It is a two-way process. The bridegroom is coming. Be ready. Make up your mind now for the door might be close. We are now in the last of the last days. God is depending on each one of us. Be saved and be converted. What are we looking for? Christ is all the answer. He is the only way, the truth and the life. 12 souls seek for salvation.

After the service food were served. Everybody felt the joy and contentment showered by God to everyone. The Spirit of God was working with us through the day.

We are so thankful to Almighty God for the prayers and sacrifices offered by our brothers and sisters for the success of the revivals. Had not for their hard labour and efforts put forth in prayers that wouldn’t be that kind of success that we had. Also we are grateful to God for the untiring efforts of our visiting Brothers and Sisters. To one and all thank God for your generous help that made these revivals a success. We look forward in prayers those seeds planted in Gods' Samar Vineyard will grow and bear fruit as we see each other next year anniversary. To our overseer thank you so much. May God reward you the crown of life.

The anniversary ended with a plan to have spiritual study to those who were saved. That was tentatively scheduled after the National Church of God Anniversary at Paniqui, Tarlac.

The following month July 14, Sis. Dada and Bro. Jet Balalla arrived. Saints from Talolora and Paysud attended the Sunday service together with invited guest and visitors. Bro. Jet gave the message taken from Mat. 7:14, "Strait is the gate and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it. Their is no satisfaction in life without Christ. Only Christ the answer for life’s contentment. For as long as you set your eyes on things of the world their will be no peace and joy in your heart. Strive to enter in at the strait gate: for many, I say unto you, will seek to enter in, and shall not be able. Redirect your path that leads to eternal life.

We had 3 days study. 2 days for Soteriology and one day for the Church f God. 4 Saints attended the full lecture, Bro. Erming Cuyog, Bro. Nilo Monica, Bro. Nick Espinosa and Sis. Virginia Pajantoy. Friday, July 20, we prepared bible study in the town proper. 7 souls attended. Some questions were given enlightenment through the power of the Holy Spirit. Saturday, was another bible study at Natawo. Divine healing service was requested. Many souls seek for healing. Following day Sunday service. Bro. Jet spoke on the parable of the rich merchant. The text was taken from Mat. 13:45. He stressed giving our all to God to be able to enter into Gods' kingdom, that precious pearl the rich merchant was looking. Christ, the pearl of life we need.

Monday, July 22 Bro. Jet Batalla and Sis. Dada left early morning way back home. Thank God for the earnest effort of our dear Bro. Jet and Sis. Dada that God will be glorified in Samar Gods' Vineyard. Now that everyone has gone home and back to their regular routine, it is not a time to relax and take it easy, because we still have an enemy who is determined to draw us back to that horrible pit. We must continue to press on and pray, and be determined to see him defeated. May God help each one of us to do our part that we may hear, “Well done, thou good and faithful servant. Enter into the joy of the Lord.”

Saturday, August 04, 2007


Friday, August 03, 2007

Baguio City, home of The Way of Truth Broadcast

The Way of Truth Broadcast is heard on DZBS 1368khz AM RPN9 Radyo Ronda, Baguio City. It is a daily Program 6:00 pm to 7:00 pm from Monday to Friday and 7:00 am to 8:00 am Saturday and Sunday.

Wednesday, August 01, 2007


Sa araw na ito, Agosto 1, 2007 ang ikalawang anibersaryo ng radio broadcast dito sa Baguio City. Salamat sa Dios sa kanyang pagtulong sa gawain na ito. Humuhipo siya ng mga kapatid upang magbigay ng pinansiyal na tulong sa gawaing ito. Sa dalawang taon na pagsasahimpapawid ng programang THE WAY OF TRUTH BROADCAST may dalawa ng naligtas, si Bro. Rodrigo Baniza ng km 3 La Trinidad, Benguet at Bro. Melton Ladiocan ng Lubas, La Trinidad, Benguet. May nakikinig mula sa ibang bayan ng Benguet, Isabela, at La Union. Idalangin natin ang gawaing ito na magpatuloy upang marami makarinig ng katotohanan. Idalangin din natin ang istasyon RPN 9 Radyo Ronda DZBS 1368 khz AM na magpatuloy din ito .

Saturday, July 28, 2007

How Great Thou Art

I Thank God by Sis. Jean Ordonio of Balaoang, Paniqui, Tarlac

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

6th MINDANAO CHURCH OF GOD CONVENTION, Kalilangan, Bukidnon (May 25-27, 2007) By Sis. Bebbie A. Pollan


We always praise and thank God for His continuous goodness and blessings as we press forward in His grace. This year’s convention theme was CONTENDING FOR THE FAITH and truly it was a victory! The effort of all the brethren here in Mindanao which was led by Bro. Bernard C. Neri and Bro. Ed Coraraton was not in vain. Giving us always the challenge to be vigilant in our daily conversations as Christians, as respective congregation and outreaches from the different parts of Mindanao are being perturbed by the works of the devil, which prevails as of this moment, trying to disunite God’s people, but praise the Lord, He doesn’t want us to be conquered, for the workings of the Holy Spirit is sufficient, sending us His evangelists to edify His Church. For the first time we have Bro. Arnold Chichioco and Bro. Arnold Ordonio from Paniqui, Tarlac; of course! From Baguio City Bro. Jet Batalla; and Bro. Greg Escullar from Negros Occidental. Their presence was a great challenge. As usual, the cooperation of our brethren from Davao del Sur and its outreaches, viz: Bro. Edgardo Coraraton, and Bro. Alger Coraraton were present. And with us from Bukidnon were the outreaches from San Jose , Malaybalay City and Maramag. We have learned lots on the History of the Church and the Government of the Church. Another spiritual blessing that gave us the wisdom to stand for the truth.

Friday, May 25, 2007, 6:00 A.M.– Conductor was Sis. Lydia Ontong. The speaker was Bro. Alger Coraraton; Text: Romans 14:22, entitling it KEEPING THE FAITH, the speaker put emphasis on the word KEEP, appealing everyone of us to always KEEP our duty towards God, the Words of God, the promise of God, the great Love of God and the FAITH which is the theme of this year’s convention. Brethren! we are encouraged to press on, we will not fear little flock; for it is our Father’s good pleasure to give us the kingdom.

8:00 A.M. – 12:00 noon. Sis. Rose Villanueva led the congregational singing, and the seminar on the History of the Church of God started, followed by the Government of the Church lectured to us by Bro. Ed Coraraton and Bro. Arnold Chichioco respectively. God really doesn’t neglect His church in ignorance, His grace is sufficient, supplying everything that the church needs. He does not want His Church to be disunited for lack of knowledge. These lessons tuned in to the needs of the church particularly at this moment in time where there are some sorts of disputes in the government of the church.

2:00 P.M. – After the preliminaries, Bro Arnold Ordonio was the speaker, he spoke on the theme “Contending For the Faith”, taking his text from the Book of Jude 3. Contend means to give all your strength for the faith. To contend for the faith is, we must be watchful and vigilant for there are grievous wolves that will enter in the church, we must put on the whole armor of God that we may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. We must remember that we have a wise enemy which is the devil, he has his instruments, the lust of the eyes, lust of the flesh and the pride of life, and even ourselves if we will not deny ourselves, there’s a tendency to backslide. His ways are subtle, thus we must fight the good fight of faith. We’ll stand for the truth, to conquer the devil’s works.

3:30 P.M. – Since we have new brethren added to God’s Church in this congregation, the presence of our brethren from Luzon was availed in its fullest by conducting a seminar on Entire Sanctification which was lectured to us Bro. Arnold Ordonio. This study is very very important, because this is one of the doctrines of the Church of God , this is the second work of grace that the saved (justified) ones must attain, without which no one can see God.

6:00 – 9:30 - After the devotional singing, and the special numbers, the conductor gave the speaker Bro. Jet Batalla, the pulpit, then he based his message from the Book of John 3:16, entitling his message “THE LOVE OF GOD”. The presence of the angels is not enough, thus HE created man to glorify and love Him. He created/prepared everything before man’s creation, for his needs. The phrase “FOR GOD SO LOVE THE WORLD” is in superlative degree. His love is matchless, and that was manifested by giving His only begotten Son, to save man from sin, whoever accepted His Son, loves Him. God does not want man to be in the place of destruction which is hell, that’s why He wanted mankind to accept His Son, by way of repentance to refrain condemnation. There’s an invitation to love God, then 3 souls draw nigh for forgiveness.

Saturday, May 26, 2007, 6:00 A.M.– After the preliminaries, Bro Greg Escullar spoke on “The Sacrifice To Teach The Gospel of God”. Text was 1st Cor. 9:16-27. The Holy Spirit has worked sufficiently, reminding every Minister of God to be cautious in uttering words to avoid loss of respect, he should be meek in every manner. The servant of God is not a boss, he should be an ideal leader, and an example to be followed by the brethren. He must sacrifice to win more souls for Christ. King Saul, abused his power and disobeyed God’s command, so God divested his kingship. Servants of God who will do the same as King Saul will be stripped off eventually by the ministry that God has entrusted to him. Ought to be, ministers should be meek and humble, they should avoid the attitude that “what pastor wants, pastor gets,” how embarrassing to have ministers like this! Ministers should be ideal and must sacrifice to win souls as the primary concern of the church.

8:00 A.M. – 12:00 noon. The seminar on the History of the Church of God , and the Government of the Church lectured to us by Bro. Ed Coraraton and Bro. Arnold Chichioco continued.

2:00 P.M. – After the preliminaries with Sis Mishel Salinday, Bro Arnold Chichioco was the message bearer, his thought was entitled as “The Life Span of Man”, having his text from Psalms 90:9. Before the flood, the life span of man reached to nine hundred sixty nine years. And generation to generation the life span of man is shortened. How much more today, the life span is between 60 to 70 years old. And according to James 4:13 & 14, the life of man is compared to a vapor that emerges a little then vanishes. Since our life is short, we have to work it out in our very best, making our lives worthwhile while we are still breathing the life that God gave to us. The unsaved must repent their sins, the saved ones must go through the second work of grace, by cleansing from all the filthiness of the flesh and spirit. God’s judgment based on how man lives the life that he has. The Holy Spirit works abundantly, there were 9 souls went to the altar.

3:30 P.M. – The seminar continued at this moment, we learned so many things. Praise God! Most of the topic focused on the Government of the Church. God has taught every Christian to discern and how to deal the undesirable and haughty spirit in His Church. God is not late; He is on time to rescue His Church who is beset always by the works of the devil to cause division.

6:00 – 9:30 - Before the message, the usual procedure was observed, the singing of devotional and the hymns, led by Sis. Metzi Paz A. Pollan and Sis. Arma A. Neri respectively, presentation of special song entitled Without Him rendered by a child named Christian Yap from Maramag, Bukidnon. Bro Jet Batalla was the speaker. He spoke on the “Spirit of the Gospel”, text was on 11 Cor. 3:1-11. There are two spirits, which is the spirit of truth and spirit of error. The former is of God and the latter is of the devil. The spirits of revenge, worldliness, haughtiness and preeminence are all carnality. The acceptance of Spirit of the Gospel would be in the Spirit of Holiness and that is thru the cleansing from all the filthiness of the flesh and spirit. As you walk daily the Christian way you ought to have the spirit of modesty, meekness and love. The love to keep God’s will. Do you already have the Spirit of the Gospel? Thanks God! Eight souls went to the altar for Entire Sanctification.

Sunday, May 27, 2007, 8:00 A.M.– All brethren were gathered together to worship God in the beauty of holiness. After the congregational singing, Bro. Art. Baldecañas led the prayer. Thereafter, the Sunday School started, with Bro. Arnold Chichioco as the Teacher. The topic was the Evening Light. Everybody was blessed of the topic for God has given us the understanding of the History of the Church. From the Morning Light, Dark Ages, Cloudy Day and Evening Light. An emphasis was obvious that Christians should continue studying, there’s no end in studying and searching in His Words. The worship service started, with Bro. Art Baldecañas as the presider.

8:00 A.M. – Bro. Jet Batalla was the speaker, his speaking on the Ten Virgins in Matthew 25:1-12. There are two kinds of Christians, the foolish and the wise. The foolish lacks understanding, no common sense, and has no spiritual wisdom, meaning they’re not baptized with the Holy Spirit. Christians should not allow the Holy Spirit to stay long outside, it should be allowed to enter in the clean vessel heart. All the filthiness of the spirits must be cleansed. Christians who are still in the carnality state are encouraged to search himself if the Holy Spirit is already present in their hearts, to go unto perfection. God does not want us to be like the 5 virgins who did not prepare and fill their lamps with oil, thus when the groom has arrived they were not able to go with Him in the marriage, they were being closed. Whereas the 5 wise virgins had made their lamps filled with oil. Oil here represents the Holy Spirit. It is very difficult to be sanctified all alone by ourselves, we need the help of the Holy Spirit. So let’s be humble, for God will claim His Church without spot and wrinkle. All the Christians sought the help of the Holy Spirit to be filled with it. Everybody kneeled down for consecration, without which no one can see the Lord.

2:00 P.M. – Sis. Chym A. Pollan led the congregational singing. Bro. Arnold Ordonio spoke on “Man’s Most Precious Property” taking his thought from the Book of Mark 8:36-37. Is riches, fame or talent that man must possess as his precious property? No! It is the soul, the living soul, that God has breathed into his nostrils for him to have the breath of life. Christ has died for the souls of men; therefore the soul of man is very precious, because it is itself that will give account to God. The soul that sinneth it shall die. It is man’s great loss if his soul has no relation with God. If he is in the bondage of sin everything is miserable. Man’s riches rely on his relation with God, to be saved from sins. All the riches here on earth are all vanity if Christ is absent in his life. Man’s most precious property is his soul. Soul will be at rest if he is saved from sin. There is peace, hope and joy if Christ is in you.

3:30 P.M. – The seminar’s topic continued, day by day more and more lights came to us, thank God!

6:00 – 9:30 - Devotional singing was led by Sis. Haia Cheene A. Pollan and again Sis. Chym Pollan led the congregational singing. Bro. Jet Batalla was the speaker, basing his thought from the Book of Daniel 2:31-35 and he entitled it as “THE CHURCH – A MOUNTAIN. The Church symbolizes a beautiful woman, it is compared likewise to a city, soldier, body and a mountain. The Church is a Mountain because it prevails among the preeminence of the four kingdoms which Nebuchadnezzar had dreamed of, and it was interpreted by the wisdom of God given to Daniel. The four kingdoms were being destroyed for the Kingdom of God has set His. It is not a literal kingdom but a spiritual kingdom which will not be destroyed and it shall stand forever.

Greetings to our dear Americans, Africans and other nationalities brethren, thank God so much for your ardent prayers, that we Filipino saints will preserve salvation blameless till the end, how we hope and wish to have your presence with us during our next Mindanao convention, Lord willing! Please continue to pray for us and special request to pray for our new young people to press on, they are: Brethren Paul, Bong and Riza Bernandino, Elvin Bandianon, Wilma Manta, Henry and Delia, and Christian Pollan and all the brethren in Kiawal, Maramag. You’re part of the success of God’s ministry here in Mindanao . Your prayers help a lot and the continuous sending of The Way of Truth paper. Again, thank God for everything!

And to all the brethren who were here, thank God for your continuous support in one way or another, and to all who were not able to attend we’re expecting your presence next convention.

(Open this web site; )

Wednesday, July 11, 2007


Report on the 33rd Anniversary of the Church of God, Philippines:

Last Sunday, 8Th of July, Saints from Metro Manila; Bulacan; Nueva Ecija; Tarlac; Pangasinan; Benguet; Aurora & Isabela Provinces came for the 33rd anniversary of the Church of God, Philippines. There were more or less 350-400 in attendance, we felt it's like convention time (please visit the COG Photo file the pictures of the newly made over chapel; etc.). As Sis. Grace of Samar; Bro Jet & i went to Lacayanga as early as 6:45am, the brethren from Sta. Maria & Norzagaray were just a few feet ahead of us and they were the first to arrive, thank the Lord for safe travels of all these dear ones and others to follow. The anniversary celebration was from 8am-5pm.

Our Sunday School started early at 7:50am. Our anniversary lesson was actually the Lesson #2 on the 3rd quarter Sunday School Journal: The Family of God at prayer. But God impressed on our hearts this to be our lesson as Saints from various part of the Luzon Island are coming over and His church must pray earnestly as the church here has a lot of battles to be won yet and we know we know our help only comes from God. And our theme for this year's anniversary was: "A praying church is a powerful church". The Lord help our Sunday School Teacher, Bro. Arnold Chichioco as he showed the accomplishments of prayer in the family of God and when the church prays in one accord, God will hear & answer as He did to the early morning church and prayers strengthen for trials.

The Lord blessed our souls on His message brought by Bro. Jet on John 12:35-36 "Believing in the Light" (the special song given by the Saints from Sta. Maria "In the light of God" just coincided with the message, praise the Lord. The Saints didn't know then the title of the message). Bro. Jet spoke on the history of the Church of God from the day our Lord Jesus Christ built His church on the day of Pentecost until it reached the Philippines, not China or India or Malaysia but the Philippines and we are so blessed to hear that.

A brief history (as we used to hear it from our dear pastor) how the Church of God in the Philippines was born was given to us along with the message. Our dear pastor, Victoriano Luzong & his late wife were saved from their sins in Baguio City in 1948 that the one who witnessed to them brought them to the Church of the Nazarene. Pastor said this sectarian church had a high standard then and was teaching about salvation, holiness, modesty until there came a time some of their missionaries from America who came to the Philippines had their hair cut & were wearing wedding rings that they decided to come out of this sect. However, they just founded another holiness church since they do not know yet about the Church of God. As Bro. Jet said it was not an accident that our pastor got hold of a copy of The Way of Truth Magazine but it was God's will for our pastor was seeking for the truth. One of the pastors in that group one day told pastor "you may want this (a copy of The Way of Truth" magazine late 1960's issue), I've got no use of this". Pastor told us that pastor tried to communicate with the publisher hoping for material support but they told him they are not a sectarian group & are not giving any material support but giving out those magazines for free.

Our dear pastor read the magazine & communicated with Bro. Earl Marquis, the pastor of the Church of God in Hagerstown & publisher of The Way of Truth Magazine during those days. And as he diligently studied the Word of God about the Church of God mentioned in The Way of Truth, the truth came to him that on July 4, 1974 our pastor & his family along with 6 other brethren who also believed (they were 10 in all), denounced sectism, the greatest sin of all ages and from then on lived & preached about the Church of God, Justification, Sanctification, Divine Healing & unity of the believers.

And from that small beginning, pastor & the few Saints who were added to His church in early 1980's prayed & fasted three days & three nights several times and local churches were planted with God's mighty help from the peaceful town of Paniqui to the northern part of Ilocos Norte to the southern part of Saranggani Province in Mindanao; from the eastern mountains of Benguet , Aurora and Isabela to the Western mountains of Tarlac our dream of local church all over the Philippine Islands is slowly coming true, thank the Lord. Filipino Saints who are working abroad are also doing their best to bring Christ to our fellow countrymen thus there are God's work in Dubai; Saudi Arabia; Canada; praise the Lord. And we are praying in more countries around the world where there are Filipinos. To God all be the glory for what He has done & doing to our country. At the end of the message, 7 precious souls were at the altar seeking salvation, praise the Lord.

The afternoon service started at 1:30pm. Special songs; reports of God's work & greetings were rendered by the various local churches. Bro. Antonio Domrique spoke on our theme. His text was on Acts 6:4 and he exhorted & encouraged the brethren to give ourselves continually to prayer & to the ministry of the word. And we all knelt in prayer pouring out our souls; telling all to Jesus about the condition of His church in the Philippines especially in Mindanao and we felt God's presence all the day long, thank the Lord for the peace in our hearts as we claim His promise everything will be all right & His church will be victorious when the storm passes by.

With this report we also wish to convey our deep appreciation though we know words will never be enough to thank our dear pastor, Victoriano T. Luzong a true servant of our Lord and Master, Jesus Christ. He has been so faithful even until he got sick few years back in laboring for the furtherance of the gospel of Christ. His dedication & faithfulness to God's work, as he never hesitated to answer God's call when there was something to do, whether it was to labor with his hands, to preach the Word, or pray for God to bless His Church. Many lost souls found the truth for he labored so faithfully in the Kingdom of God. The Lord has been so good not only to him but to God's church here in our country for he is still with us (he was energetic & looked very happy last Sunday) until these days. God knows we need him more today as we all endeavor to keep the unity of the Saints here in the Philippine Islands. And to the late Bro. Earl Marquis; to dear Uncle Ollen & Uncle Alvin; and to all the dear Saints in the United States of America we, the Filipino Saints, say thank you very, very much for keeping true and faithful to the truth of God's words that in His time this truth and light shone upon us here in the Philippine Islands, praise the Lord. May God continue to bless you all as you, through the Way of Truth Magazine, bring the lost to our Lord Jesus Christ.

Also we would like to thank all the dear Saints who helped one way or another for the repair our chapel though it is not yet fully finished & there are still things to be done yet, please continue to remember the needs in your prayers, too.

And to all who will read this read report, we do covet your fervent prayers for all the Filipino Saints and His church here. Thank you all for your love & concern for His church in the Philippine Islands!!!

unworthy servant of the living God,

sis. judith d batalla