Thursday, December 06, 2007


The Church of God here in Sta. Maria celebrated our 12th year anniversary last Sunday, December 2, 2007. It is a blessing to remember the time when God sent one of His servants in this place where souls were thirsting and hungering for the truth of God’s Word. Once were lost but thank God were found and has been fed in the green pasture through the Church of God which Jesus hath purchased with his own blood. It was year 1995 when I decided to returned home from Middle East country of Bahrain to start building the work of God in our place which I’ve never regret in all my life since then. Despite the hard times and persecution I’ve encountered from my mother who was a devoted Catholic at that time and said that we won’t go farther and we will soon come to an end, but for twelve years, the Church of God at Sta. Maria still standing for the truth and faith of the Gospel. Glory to His name! We know that the Lord is also dealing with the heart of my mother, the abhorrence she had on me and to all the saints she met (because of my conversion to true Christianity) was all gone. She doesn’t go any longer to the Catholic Church during Sunday but stay at home, at times attending our Sunday service and sometimes conversing with the brethren. What we’ve been waiting for and keep on praying is to see her humbling herself before God and personally accept Jesus as her Lord and Savior.

The theme of our Anniversary was taken from Deuteronomy 4:6 “The wise and understanding people of God” It is to encourage each one that the true Church of God are compose of wise and knowledgeable people who rightly dividing the Word of truth. The Lord said that we shall not add unto the Word or diminish ought from it. The true Christians are wise to discern the good from evil; right from wrong; and truth from error. Praise His Holy name!

The service was started with devotional singing presided by Sis. Tita Pantino followed by the kneeling prayer led by Sis. Rose Marzan of Bicutan. We asked the presence of God and His blessing to pour out in our midst as we proceed to our service. We were fasted and prayed much for our 12th year anniversary service knowing that the Lord still moves and manifests in the assembly of the true and humble saints of God; and He’s always willing to meet the needs of each lowly in spirit. Bro. Jun Ressureccion taught the Sunday school lesson. Our topic was “The Christian faces traditions of men”. The discussion went smoothly and efficiently as the ministers contributed their knowledge and share their thought that helped each one to be enlightened of the traditions of men which should not to be followed that we may not be led away from the truth. Thank the Lord for the light of His Word and for leading us to the truth of the Bible. We’ve been freed from worldliness and traditions of men. As the anniversary of the local church at Sta. Maria comes, the ambiance of Convention is at hand. Approaching December is stimulating times of preparation for Christmas celebration for the so-called Christians in the world, but for the true Christians, the Church of God Philippines, it is the inspiring times of preparation for the coming Church of God Convention.

One usual part of the service is the greetings and testimony of birthday celebrants (brethren/family member) during the past whole week. There were two young sisters, two little boys from Sta. Maria congregation and two brothers from other congregation uttered their thankfulness to God. We are very thankful to God for granting Sis. Mhaye‘s heart desire to be with us on our anniversary service as it was also her birthday. She has been persecuted and being hindered by her family to come to the church service. She prayed much to God to make away for her to spend her birthday on the church service to have an opportunity to testify for the Lord, thank the Lord; she made a right choice and was able to express her gratefulness on what God has done to her life. (After the service she immediately went home thinking that her parents were already waiting for her. An hour later, I received a text message from her father, asking for her. I called him up and explained everything). May the Lord help her in all battles she may ever face and keep her faith and promise to our Lord. Sis. Judith led the prayer for the birthday celebrants.

Various congregations were present in our service; each of them gave their report and rendered a song that brought us more to the spirit of worship: “Only the Saints will be There” by Bicutan; “ Jesus will Outshine Them All” by Signal Village; “Shall We Gather at the River” by Binangonan; "Mt. Zion" by Quezon City; and “I Found the Better Way” by San Rafael. There were also brethren came from other places. Sis Letty Logan of Dubai who’s presently taking her vacation here in the Philippines and Sis Grace of Samar were also present. Invited visitors also attended the service; one of them came to altar. Bro. Randy Rovero of Sta. Maria (a newly born young Christian) gave his testimony on how he came to know the Lord and found the truth of the Church of God (He was one of the leaders of the music ministry of Baptist Church).He accepted the Lord last year, during our Convention when Bro. Greg Tyler preached about “Eternity”. The Sta. Maria children presented a special number, singing with action “Oh Be careful” adds joy to our souls and two young Christians: daughter and son of Sis. Jackie of Sta. Maria who has been suffering from cancer of the breast since April this year; sung a song “Thank You Lord”. We couldn’t help but our tears flowed from our eyes as we felt the presence of God and what a joy it was to feel the blessings of God in this service. Bro Jet Batalla also came down from Bagiuo City together with his wife, Sis.Wilma and her sister; Sis. Judith Batalla from Paniqui, Tarlac. They arrived Saturday night. Bro Jet Batalla was God’s instrument in building the Church of God here in Sta. Maria. He labored for three years in our place and when the Lord knew that we can already stand on our own but through the grace of God and the leading of the Holy Spirit, He called Bro Jet and sent to Dagupan where the he started to build a new congregation that time. Now, he is laboring in Bagiuo City where he is ministering the Radio Broadcast.

Bro. Jet Batalla was the speaker of the service. He spoke on “The Church, The Temple of God” referring to 1 Corinthians 3:9-10. He emphasized the importance of each member as a laborer together with God that shall be in harmony with one another just like the temple of Solomon when it was built. The workers of God are considered wise builder and Jesus Christ is the laid foundation of this building. We were also encouraged to continue to live according to the teaching of Jesus Christ and not to the other teaching founded by men. At the altar call, there were six souls came to the altar. Afterwards, the elders anointed our ailing brethren with oil and prayed for their healing.

That concluded our blessed service. Sis Judith led the closing prayer looking forward for the success of the coming Convention more than what God has done in this service. After the service as we greet one another with a holy kiss, we said “the devil has defeated the Lords won the victory!” We are very thankful to our dear Lord and Savior for His great faithfulness. We also want to express our sincere thanks to those who prayed much for the victory of God’s work here in Sta. Maria. Without much prayer of the saints and abundant grace of our Loving God, we would not reach our 12Th year anniversary. Truly we are laborers together with God and we are helping one another to build the work of our Lord here in the Philippines and throughout the world as well. May God bless us all!