Monday, March 02, 2009
Born into this world, every human being finds himself adrift in the sea of life. With him comes a present tendency toward evil, a nature that flourishes in magnifying self. It seems that survival in a competitive world demands it, so the battle of the ages, endlessly persists. In fact still today, are not all the works of the flesh a morbid coddling of self which in the end bankrupts the soul of man? Satan is the mastermind behind all these and the evils perpetrated by mankind are a reflection of his evil plan. The very first sin grew out of Eve’s temptation of covetousness to know that which God’s wisdom forbade. However, all through the ages God has sought to turn the heart of men to righteousness and peace. The sordid picture must have grieved the great heart of God deeply, for He warned early that His Spirit would not always strive with men.
Humanity struggled on through the centuries entertaining the hope that light someday would dispel the seemingly eternal darkness. Yes, they had heard that a king would come to vanquish all enemies and satisfy the longing of humanity. That king did come! And His name is Jesus! He was born of a lowly virgin in a stable in Bethlehem. The promised Light had shone up. He set about the task of getting followers called disciples. Many wanted to be His disciples, bit now many could qualify to His Standards: He said, “Whosoever he be of you that forsaketh not all that he hath, he can not be my disciple. If any man come to me, and hate not his own life also, he can not be my disciple”. This is something new! This is revolutionary! This, in plain words, is the end of the self life! The old man is now dead through Christ and the real life is hid with Christ in God. Hallelujah!
While Levi (who was later called Matthew) sat at the receipt of customs, Christ called him saying, “Follow me”. He left all and followed Him! This meant his job, his income, his old friends, close companionship with his family and loved ones if he need be. He left all and followed Christ. Why? He gad been made somehow to see the intrinsic value of this new and impelling leader, and considered himself most fortunate to enter into this new association.
The sturdy fishermen called the Sons of thunder while securing a livelihood by hours of hazardous toil left their nets and followed the Master when they were called.
What about Paul of Tarsus? On the road of Damascus humiliated and subdued by the heavenly light cried out, “Lord what do you want me to do?” the Master said, “Delivering thee from the people and to the Gentiles unto whom now I send thee. To open their eyes, and to turn them from darkness to light and from the power of Satan unto God, that they may receive forgiveness of sins, and inheritance among them which are sanctified by faith that is in me”. Only in Christ, whom he hated before could he find rest to his soul and hope for eternity, he suffered the loss of all things that he might win Christ. Yes, he counted the best the world had to offer as but dung.
My beloved friends and brethren, consider your own plan and purpose of life. Maybe you had given much but you still cling tenaciously to a few. No! listen to these resounding words, “Forsake all! Forsake all! Part will not do! Happiness and acceptance cannot come until all is forsaken! Because what Christ has to offer is not bought at a bargain counter. There is no cut rate price; there is no compromise. It is ALL for nothing! Earthly values cannot be compared to heavenly values. All that men hold dear in this world is doomed to perish in the judgment fires. The island of safety is to forsake all.
DO IT NOW! Lay it on the altar! SACRIFICE IT ALL and YOU SHALL LIVE!
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