Lay Hold on Eternal Life
Some years ago a number of boatmen off the coast of New England raced for a prize in single boats. As they were nearing the end of the race it was discovered by the spectators that a special favorite was a half-boat’s length ahead of all its competitors. His friends began to cheer him, and he, animated by their cheers, gave a responsive cheer, and, in doing so, lost a stroke of the oar. A competitor, seeing his opportunity, bent to his oar with all energy, shot past him and won the prize.
The apostle Paul warns you against youthful lusts, and tells you to flee from them; to follow peace, righteousness, godliness; to fight the good fight of faith; and to lay hold upon eternal life.
We are in days when the love of many is waxing cold because iniquity abounds. You must keep the ardor of love glowing in your heart. Allow not the world nor aught else to extinguish the tender flame. Everything that has a tendency to suppress love, to cool its ardor, to dilute its sweetness in your soul, to lessen the yearnings of your heart for more of God, to deprive you of the sweet realization of constantly leaning on his breast—consider all such things your bitter foes and rout them at any cost.
Run life’s race with all the energy of your soul, never relaxing effort until the prize is in full possession. The dying testimony of the apostle Paul may be yours. When he had come down to the end of his journey he said as he stood, as it were, one foot upon time and the other in eternity, “The time of my departure is at hand.”* (II Timothy 4:6) Then taking a last retrospective view of his life, he said, “I have fought a good fight.”* (II Timothy 4:7) Taking a look at inward conditions, he said, “I am now ready to be offered.”* (II Timothy 4:6) And looking out into the future’s prospect, he said, “Henceforth there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness.”* (II Timothy 4:8) O beloved young saints, run well your race. Keep your eyes upon the goal, fight the good fight of faith, be in earnest, live every moment for God, and you can have a dying testimony like the above.
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