I would like to dedicate this piece of oration to all the believers who are struggling to live for Christ in this present world and may it help a little to lift you up your spiritual life.
Who am I? Why am I here? Where am I going? What is my citizenship? I am proud to tell you that I am a citizen of heaven. I am a pilgrim of this world. This world is not really my home, I’m just passing through. I have an important mission on this earth. The Lord commissioned me to sow the seeds of goodness all over the land. While on my way home, I would like to help my fellow pilgrims to finish the journey successfully ant to convert others to become a pilgrim as we are.
How did I become a pilgrim? By nature I was a sinner like others and traveled the way to hell. My former master was the prince of the power of the air, the spirit that works in the children of disobedience. I had my life style according to the lust of the flesh and by nature a child of wrath.
But while I was traveling in the byways in the valley of death I met the Savior. He gave me peace in my troubled heart. He gave me rest in my soul. He told me that I’m no longer a child of the Devil but a child of God. He showed me the way to the father. He himself is the way. I made his word as the lamp of my feet and the light of my path. He placed me in the highway of Holiness wherein I must travel, the unclean shall not pass over it but it shall be for the pilgrim whose real country is Heaven. Jesus went ahead of us to prepare a place for the pilgrims. In that country he is building mansions for them. When everything is ready, he will come again to receive the pilgrim's home and where he is there, will they be also.
As long as I travel in this earth I have a task perform. I am sowing the seeds of love to the lost. Someday I hope to reap the fruits of my labor. I hope for best precious souls for Jesus. The work is not easy but I can do all things through Him that gives strength. Though the sailing is rough, though the way is difficult, the Holy Spirit makes it satisfying all the way. After a hard work of labor, after much sweat and tears have fallen a happy moment of harvest refreshes the soul. Labor not for meat that perisheth but labor for meat that endureth unto everlasting life.
My fellow pilgrims dare to travel in the narrow way that leads you to heaven for broad is the way that leadeth to destruction and many are walking thereat. My brothers and sisters you are not on the way to hell you have forsaken the ways of the devil; you have taken the ways of God stay on that way. It leads you to glory.
As I travel in this life’s road I keep myself unspotted from the evils of this world. I avail of God’s preserving power to keep me clean and strong to live for Him. If we walk in the light as He is in the light we have fellowship one another and the blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanseth us from all Sin. My life must be an influence to others who live Holy and Righteously in this present world. I live for others as I live for Christ.
Yes, I am a pilgrim in this world. I am a Christian pilgrim bound for Heaven. It’s a great privilege to travel the pilgrim way. Are you a pilgrim on this earth? I hope to meet you in Heaven!