Thursday, September 28, 2006


I will be talking especially with every child of God in this gathering who came to fellowship with us in our yearly observance of the festival of the CHURCH OF GOD in the PHILIPPINES. My beloved parents, brothers, and sisters and friends. I have a good piece of oration which I would like to share to you this very moment which is entitled “O Man of God”. This is a challenge to every man or woman of God in this audience. I hope it will also be of help to someone who have not yet accepted Jesus Christ as his or her Savior.

O man of God, you who are justified, regenerated by the blessed Holy Spirit, a member of the family of God which is the Church of God, to you I give this precious message: O man of God, you are a pilgrim on this earth: this world is not your home! You are a citizen of heaven. Sooner or later your pilgrimage will be over and then be home at last. So take heed to what I will say. If not, I am afraid your right of heaven might be forfeited.

You are a child of the King: Every Sinner is a Child of the devil. But you are born of God. You do not commit sin because God’s word is alive in your heart. There is a great possibility for a true Christian not to commit sin through the help of God. Because a free human agent and not a robot there is also the possibility for him to sin. This is the reason I stand before you to warn you and advice through the authority of the Word of God.

The greatest enemy of our souls is the devil. He is the god of this world. He uses the things of this world to get people to his side and rebel against the God of the universe. Once he gets people to be covetous and places in their hearts the love of money, he has won the battle; for the love of money is the root of all evil. Man of God, I am here warning you: those who want to get rich will fall into diverse temptations and snares and into many hurtful lusts which drawn men into destruction and perdition. Covetousness will eventually cause one to err from the faith and finally apostatized.

Man of God, fight the good fight of faith. Be sure you are always on the winning side. Be sure you have the witness of the Holy Spirit with your Spirit that you are a child of God. Testify for your salvation and your faith on the atoning blood of Christ. The devil is overcome by the blood of the lamb and by the word of your testimony; and love not your lives into death.

Man of God, show forth the evidence of your salvation not only by your words but also by good works. Follow after righteousness, godliness, faith, love, patience, meekness. The world scarcely convinced to believe the gospel because the lives of the professing Christians do not satisfactorily show forth pure religion which is undefiled before God.

Man of god, you are not under the law of the Jews but under the gospel of Christ Jesus. What He had taught the disciples is a law unto us. He had commissioned to preach the gospel unto all nations, teaching them to observe all things whatsoever He commanded them. Therefore, you have to keep Christ’s commandments without spot, unrebukable until the appearing of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Man of God, the life of godliness with contentment is the greatest gain on earth. We brought nothing into this world and we can carry nothing out. A holy life is the only what that will bring a man to glory: What Shall it profits a man if he gained the whole world and loss his soul? Nothing: The soul is the most precious property of a man. Nothing can be given in exchange for it. It will either be lost forever and ever in be given in exchange for it. It will either be lost forever and ever in hell or be crowned in heaven. If he chooses the devil to serve by living in sin, then, he chose hell to be punished eternally.

No one is created to go to hell. God wants everybody to go to heaven; there are two ways before you. One is going straight to heaven. The other way is going down to hell. Man of God, you have chosen the straight and narrow way. It is called the way of Holiness; hate unclean shall not err therein, but the redeemed shall walk therein: and the ransomed of the Lord shall be for those: the way faring men, though fools shall not err therein; but the redeemed shall walk therein: and the ransomed of the Lord shall return and come to Zion (the Church of God), with songs and everlasting joy upon their heads: they shall obtain joy and gladness, and sorrow and sighing shall flee away.

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